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这些是约翰的短袜子。These is john's sock.

找相匹配的袜子。Look for matching sock.

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尼龙网袜衬。Nylon Mesh sock lining.

把第一双袜子从脚上脱下。Remove first sock from foot.

我们补充袜子到抽屉里。We replenish the sock drawer.

来吧,伙计们,让他们开开眼。Come on, lads. Sock it to 'em.

简把袜子上的洞缝补好了。Jane has sewn up a hole in a sock.

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剪辑褶皱的、船形的、品质一流的袜子。A clip drape ship-shape tip-top sock.

袜子上有一个热的旧咖啡壶。An old hot coffee pot is on the sock.

我昨天买了一对新短袜。I bought a new pair of sock yesterday.

妈妈在为艾米丽织补袜子。Mother is darning a hole in Emily sock.

我的短袜后跟上有个洞。There is a hole in the heel to my sock.

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嗨,噢,两只老鼠在袜子里。Heigh-o the derry-o, Two mice in a sock.

嗨,噢,一只老鼠在袜子里。Heigh-o the derry-o, One mouse in a sock.

嗨,噢,三只老鼠在袜子里。Heigh-o the derry-o, Three mice in a sock.

好的,如果找到袜子就穿上它。Okay, if you find the sock then put on sock.

一只红色的袜子就会把你的白衬衫染成粉红色!One red sock will make your white tees pink!

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特雷西的闪电结婚使我感到震惊。Tracy"s sudden marriage knock my sock off ."

妹妹穿一只白色的袜子和一只黑色的袜子。Little sister wears one white, one black sock.

古怪的老唐纳德感冒后订购了袜子。Odd old Donald caught a cold and ordered a sock.