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关于安娜。妮可。史密斯的官司分别在两个法庭审理。Anna Nicole Smith is on the docket in two courtrooms.

她能说出许多无限期分居案例的案卷摘要。She can cite a docket of cases of endless separation.

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请仔细阅读背面摘要在下面签字。Please carefully read reverse side of docket before signing.

市长先生不望他,仍旧批他的公事。The mayor did not look at him, but went on annotating this docket.

维修工把摘要还给吉尔时说道。Said the maintenance worker when he handed the docket back to Jill.

当天晚些时候两人就被逮捕,星期一官员公开了法院的诉讼记事表。They were arrested later that day and officials unsealed the court docket on Monday.

NBA已经将其影响延伸到亚洲,印度是它野心勃勃的扩展名单中的下一个目标。The N.B.A. has extended its influence to Asia, and India is next on its ambitious docket.

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即使撤销了这些专利权诉讼,IBM仍然还有针对SCO的八项诉讼。Even after dropping the patent counterclaims, IBM still has eight counterclaims in the docket against SCO.

评论意见以1978N-0038号备忘录识别,并且可透过电子或者以纸本缮写的形式提交。Comments must be identified with Docket No. 1978N-0038 and can be submitted electronically or in written form.

完成每天的创造性任务之前不要急着检查邮箱和回复读者.Delay checking your email and feed reader until you’ve completed any creative tasks on your docket for the day.

这起案子仍未终结,为什么摄像师不来告诉我们他看到的事实真相并让我们看他的原始录像带呢?The docket is still open on this case.Why won't the cameraman come in and tell us what he saw and show us his film?

澳大利亚-在过去的一周中,澳大利亚的待审案件已下降了一些市场的移动指标纳入组合。Australia – In the past week, the Australian docket has dropped a number of top market moving indicators into the mix.

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展望后市,欧洲消息面看来相当平静,只有法国和意大利工业产出。Ahead, the day in Europe looks quiet on the news front, with just French and Italian Industrial Production on the docket.

我一般有两个任务列表,一个是正在做的需要在某个时间点前完成的事,一个是当天得做完的事。I like to keep two task lists, one for ongoing things that need to be handled at some point and one for what’s on the docket today.

被警方没收的笔记本中提及有成千上万人的电话都曾被监听——此事一旦确认,将意味着铺天盖地的诉讼。Confiscated notebooks name thousands of people whose phones may have been hacked -- a staggering docket of lawsuits if hacking is confirmed.

第八十七条海事法院审理船舶碰撞案件,应当在立案后一年内审结。Article 87 A maritime court trying a case involving collision of ships shall conclude the case within one year after placing the case on the docket.

公民要得到关于选票的特定优先权或登记在立法机关的摘要上,代表性的要求是组织者收集合格投票者的某一数目的签名。To get a on the election ballot or on the legislature's docket typically requires that organizers collect a certain number of signatures of eligible voters.

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会议讨论内容还包括树脂材料耐高温性、在灌注系统中的促进性、阻燃性和机械性能方面的改善和提高。On the docket are explorations of high-temperature resistance, advancements in infusion systems, fire-resistant applications and improvements in mechanical properties.

尽管未来一周有多项数据登场,但市场交投量预计会因为美国7月4日假期而维持清淡,进而夸大市场波动幅度.Even with the economic data on the docket for next week, volume is expected to remain light due to the market holiday on July 4th, which could exacerbate swings in the market.