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这给了一个新的方法去开后门。It gives a new method of putting backdoor.

我们担心,这可能也是一个后门互联网的审查。We fear it could also be a backdoor to censorship of the internet.

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哑巴也向上官玉汇报,后门也有两个便衣。Dumb to Shangguan jade report, there are two plainclothes backdoor.

2008年8月份,华远地产借壳ST幸福成功上市。August 2008, Huayuan ST backdoor happy successful real estate listing.

分析LKM后门实现隐藏进程的机理。This paper analyses the mechanism of LKM backdoor in hiding processes.

事实上,大通燃气已经是金业集团的第三个借壳对象。In fact, Chase gas is already the Gold Group target of the third backdoor.

这部分也不和谐,因为它包含私底下自夸的成分。This section was also jarring because it primarily consisted of backdoor brags.

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事实上,借壳上市对于借壳方和被借壳方而言,都是件好事。In fact, the backdoor listing for the backdoor and backdoor by side, are a good thing.

借壳上市,也给向来就不平静的资本市场增添了更多变数。Backdoor listing, it is not always calm to the capital market has added more variables.

并以绿地集团香港借壳上市作为案例进行探讨分析。And taking the Hongkong backdoor listing of the Greenland Groupas a case study and analysis.

经济救援计划,刺激计划和担保应当被视之为一种秘密的贸易保护主义。Bailouts, stimulus packages and guarantees should be seen as a kind of backdoor protectionism.

部分业内人士表示,西南证券很有可能成为券商借壳的最后一单。Some industry insiders said Southwest Securities brokerage is likely to be the last one backdoor.

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比如最近我们在商业系统里面就要搞个反对“走后门”运动。For instance, we are soon going to begin a movement against backdoor dealings in the commercial sphere.

实验表明该方法能准确、有效地发现被LKM后门隐藏的进程。The experiments show that this method presented can efficiently find the processes hided by LKM backdoor.

不过更令人意外的是,IPO停滞之后,尘封很久的券商借壳开始有了突破。But even more surprising is that, IPO stagnation, long the dust-laden firms have begun to break through backdoor.

通过走后门,她一月份领到一张临时身份证。Using the time-honored Chinese method of backdoor connections, Miss Ma was able to get a temporary card in January.

有时一个后门的利益可以带来媒体报道英寸如果只有一个奖您可以将其添加在另一页。Sometimes a backdoor interest can bring media coverage in. If there is only one award you can add it on another page.

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那位记者只说是有人向他秘密透露,但他拒绝透露消息提供者的身份。The journalist only said that it was someone told him backdoor but refused to reveal the identity of his information.

但即使存在这一漏洞,规则的修改也将使香港资本市场的后门更加难进。But even with this loophole, the regulatory changes will make the backdoor of Hong Kong's capital markets much narrower.

最坏的情况下,假如你太晚处理掉这些危害,你可以仔细检查任何在你的伺服器上的后门程式。In the worst-case scenario, if you clean up late, you can double check for any backdoor programs running on your server.