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据说他还携带一个8英寸的化妆盒儿。He was also reportedly carrying a small black 8 toiletry bag.

另外一种西方人喜欢化妆品是除臭剂。Another toiletry that westerners like to use is deodorant. Because we stink!

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被广泛应用于医疗保健和化妆品行业。Be widely applied in medical and health care area, as well as toiletry field.

它们都已经在行李箱了,还有盥洗用品包和一些药品。They're both in the suitcase already, along with my toiletry kit and some medicine.

我带着这个袋子旅行大概也有上千次了,里面的化妆品一次都没出过什么意外。I have taken roughly one thousand trips with that bag without any kind of toiletry incident.

我们在哈拉帕找到的化妆品在当代印度也有相似的副本。Some make-up and toiletry items that were found in Harappa have similar counterparts in modern India.

那麽,为什麽那些有数十亿美元资产的药妆企业并未依此资讯采取任何行动来改进呢?So, why is it that the multibillion dollar cosmetic and toiletry industry has not acted on this information?

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调查还发现,英国人一般都不清楚自己的洗漱化妆包的真实价值。The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.

研究同时还发现,现在的英国人全然不知化妆包的真正价值。The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.

届时,这20条道路将梳妆一新,营造成交通畅顺、路貌美观的城市进出口道路网络。By then, the 20 roads will be a new toiletry create a smooth traffic flow, road and landscape aesthetic urban road network.

还用于脂质体的研究,以及作为抗癌药物的研究,在食品、医药、化妆品等领域有广阔的应用前景。It also be used as liposome and anti-cancer drugs. Furthermore, it has broad application prospects in food, medicine, toiletry and so forth.

罗宾逊专注于注塑塑料和硬质纸板包装的食品,饮料,糖果,化妆品和化妆用具部门。Robinson specialises in injection-moulded plastic and rigid paperboard packaging for the food, drink, confectionary, cosmetics and toiletry sectors.

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化工厂机器操作员监视和操作装置和机械,混合,组合,加工和包装范围广泛的特种化学品,药品,清洁和洗浴用品。Chemical plant machine operators monitor and operate units and machinery to blend, mix, process and package a wide range of specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, cleaning and toiletry products.

带蕾丝套的梳妆面镜以木框支撑,透过玫瑰花图案的蕾丝套,可以看到镜子的深色木支撑架,蕾丝的高雅和木质的古典像一位安静和贤淑的姑娘。Belt near the toiletry sets instead to frame support, through the roses with near sets, we can see the dark wooden mirror frames, wood near the elegant and classical as a quiet and virtuous lady.