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建议醒酒一小时后饮用。Uncork the bottle one hour before.

饮用前最适宜醒酒一个小时,并置于正常室温。Best uncork it an hour before pouring, and serve it at room temperature.

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一旦你打开酒瓶盖子,二氧化碳就开始从香槟中扩散至空气中。As soon as you uncork a bottle, CO2 starts diffusing from the champagne into the air.

可经在战斗中发现自己没时间打开治疗药剂的瓶子么?Ever been in the midst of battle, and find yourself without the time to uncork that heal potion?

我们准备开香槟,因为剃刀队在这里赢得了22年来的第一个冠军!We're about to uncork some champagne because the Sabres have won their first championship in 22 years!

但在费米项目的科学家开香槟庆祝之前,他们必须排除其它一些解释的可能性。But before Fermi’s scientists uncork their champagne bottles, they must rule out alternative explanations.

在这个情人节,或许所有的老夫老妻们是时候再开一瓶香槟,干杯庆祝。Perhaps it's time for all the long-in-love to uncork another bottle of Champagne and toast themselves -- again -- on this Valentine's Day.

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六月份,在这个被残酷的穆斯林阿訇统治的国度里,将会进行一场受到广泛操纵的总统选举,届时可能由于对经济处理不当而爆发社会不满。Ruled by ruthless Muslim mullahs, it faces a largely rigged election for president in June that could uncork social discontent over mishandling of the economy.

一旦你打开酒瓶,它就从瓶中挥发并进入空气,但由于倒酒时液体与空气接触的面积扩大,再加上液体的震荡,会使得二氧化碳的释放加快。As soon as you uncork a bottle, CO2 starts diffusing from the champagne into the air. But pouring it speeds up that process, by increasing surface area and turbulence.

最后通过织布机开口机构创新设计实例对机构轨迹创新设计原理及原型系统的有效性进行了验证。Finally, an example of uncork mechanism of simple loom creative design is provided to verify the validity of the creative principle and corresponding prototype system.

截至目前,欧洲央行一直拒绝出台大规模、无限期的国债收购计划,但很多分析人士认为这是目前唯一可能遏制住债务危机的方法。The central bank so far has refused to uncork a massive and open-ended purchasing program many analysts believe is the only measure that can still contain the debt crisis.