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有人问我闪击战期间的感受。I have been asked how I felt in the Blitz.

置于食品搅拌机内,搅成浓汤。Blitz in a food processor to a chunky puree.

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在一次燃烧弹袭击中有五家店铺被烧毁。Five shops were damaged in a firebomb blitz.

邓洛普先生,你想不想钉死闪电?Mr. Dunlop, how would you like to nail The Blitz?

这是一次全美范围对等的闪击式营销。It is the equivalent of a coast-to-coast marketing blitz.

挨了老板劈头盖脸的一顿洗涮后,你一定感到有点儿心神不定吧!After that blitz from the boss, you must feel sort of shaken.

我们得准备好那商品以备圣延节销售旺季。We have to have the merchandise ready for the Christmas sales blitz.

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在孤注一掷地闪电战中他猛冲过外国领地。He careened through foreign territories on a desperate kind of blitz.

中国是一支非常强大的队伍,防守和拦网队员配合的非常好。China is great team and blitz defense, blocking players have chemistry.

填字游戏探索是我们经典的入门级版本,纵横字谜闪电战。Crossword Explore is a beginner-level version of our classic, Crossword Blitz.

当然,一般来说,最多就记录了2、3天,这些闪电战就“不战而剩”了Of course, the recordings usually lasted 2 or 3 days. Then the Blitz suddenly ended.

这场闪电战反映出在等级评分的不稳定性得到投资者认可之时已为时过晚。The blitz reflects a belated recognition that such ratings always were a bit dubious.

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为了躲避空袭,派文希家的四个孩子被疏散到了乡下。The four Pevensie children have been evacuated to the countryside to escape the Blitz.

另一种人才的新武器叫闪电战将使充电能力额外损失严重。Another new Arms talent called Blitz will make the Charge ability hit for extra damage.

将有60名参赛选手将在快速赛和闪电赛上进行男女个人单项的角逐。There will be 60 players in both the Men's and Women's Individual events for Rapid and Blitz.

一个美国的空中突击行动将摧毁朝鲜的工业,港口,运输和政治目标。A US air blitz would devastate North Korea’s industry, ports, transport and political targets.

任何人民币汇率的明显下跌都会促使日本迅速采取量化宽松措施。Any significant drop in the yuan would prompt Japan to unleash another quantitative-easing blitz.

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有的学者希望政府能来一场公开宣传的“闪电战”,以此来督促普通的日本民众增加开销。Some pundits want the government to launch a publicity blitz to urge ordinary Japanese to spend more.

上午九时,一名男子因携带刀具被捕,此时格拉斯哥北部正严查刀具犯罪。MAN was caught carrying a blade at nine in the morning during a blitz on knife crime in the north of Glasgow.

把芒果糊糊倒回食品处理器/搅拌机,打5-10秒,或者打到芒果奶油稠度适合你的口味为止Add the mango puree to the whipped cream and blitz 5-10 seconds, or until you get a good mango-cream consistency.