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我们在国际歌声中结束了会议。We ended the meeting off with the Internationale.

国际友人唱国际歌。International friends will sing the Internationale.

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国际犬业联合会是一个世界性的犬业组织。The Federation Cynologique Internationale is the World Canine Organisation.

在首都还有法国国际广播电台。Radio France Internationale and Radio Australia are available in the capital.

我就教了她几道小学二年级的奥数题。I just teach her several Internationale Mathematik-Olympiade problems for second grade.

福特基金会是美国汽车业大亨亨利·福特于1936年创建的。Henry Ford, a militant anti-Semite that published La Juiverie Internationale , created the Ford Foundation in 1936.

最近,她参加了一个由「国际航空联合会」主办关于航空运动和大自然融和的美术比赛。Recently she has joined a competition about air sport and the nature organized by The Federation Aeronautique Internationale.

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科尔曼赢得了她的国际许可,在一九二一年飞国际航空联合会在法国。Coleman earned her international permit to fly in nineteen twenty-one from the Federation Aeronautique Internationale in France.

其中最主要的国际比赛在足球世界杯主办足球协会联会现行。One of the major international competitions in football is the World Cup organized by Fédération Internationale de Football Association.

时度表在意大利米兰的「共产国际博览会」中取得设计及工艺金牌。DOXA wins the gold medal at the "Exposition Internationale" in Milan, Italy for its outstanding design and craftsmanship on pocket watches.

对于细节和付出的注重使他的产品赢得地中海地区2006年度优秀国际葡萄酒公司的奖项。This attention to detail and export success led to Jean-Claude Mas winning the " Prix de I'entreprise internationale", Mediterranean region 2006.

除了在纪念碑前敬献花圈,与会者还默哀了一分钟,伴随着国际歌绕行纪念碑一圈。Apart from placing wreaths at the Monument, participants also observed a minute of silence and encircled the monument, with The Internationale playing.

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在芒果树伸展开的宽阔的枝条下,拉拉队员们唱起了国际歌,他们脚踝上带着脚铃,翩翩起舞,满怀希望的憧憬“人民管理的国家”。Under the wide arms of a mango tree, the cheerleaders sang a version of the "Internationale." They danced with bells around their ankles, promising "people's rule."

通过国家宇航协会,美国降伞协会是为降伞竞争和世界竞争中的所有美国降伞队,在美国设立了一家联邦航空国际分属的官方核署机构。Through the National Aeronautical Association, USPA is the official sanctioning body of the Federation Aeronautique Internationale in the U. S. for skydiving competition and sponsors all official U.