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船长曾在流刺网渔船上工作过。The captain used to work on a drifter.

他不过是个流浪汉--哪儿也呆不住。He's just a drifter he can't settle down anywhere.

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在过去的七年中他过著流浪汉的生活。For the past seven year, he lived the life of a drifter.

北漂也指漂泊在北京的一种生存方式。Beipiao is also a life style of being a drifter in Beijing.

那个漂泊者敏捷地将礼物换到电梯的左边。The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift.

这里是汽车所作的流浪汉名叫比恩的加州圣迭戈。Here is a car made by a drifter named Bean out of San Diego, CA.

小镇的女孩,男孩遇到神秘流浪汉,他们坠入爱河。Small-town girl meets mysterious drifter boy, they fall in love.

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它只是在一个寒冷的夜晚在雨中走散的、孤独的漂流者。It was just a stray on a cold night in the rain, a lonely drifter.

我不想没日没夜地工作,只想做个校漂族。I don't want to work day and night, I just want to be a campus drifter.

一个修改游戏参数的小程序,和金山游侠差不多。A revised parameters of small game procedures, and almost Jinshan drifter.

孑然一身的他就这样选择了做一名守护战士,生命从此不在漂泊。He lives of so chose to become a guardian of the soldiers, life henceforth not drifter.

气动穿孔机是一种新型短距离、小直径地下施工机械。Pneumatic drifter is a new short distance and small bore underground construction machine.

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如果心脏没有栖息的地方,你将永远是一个流浪汉,无论您身在何处。If the heart has no place to perch on, you will always be a drifter no matter where you are.

家园如一件厚厚的棉袄,等待着一个个伶仃的流浪者去穿。A home is just like a thicker cotton-padded jacket to wait for every lonely drifter to wear it.

一个小型的内存修改器,这个程序实现的功能和金山游侠之类的软件类似。A small memory device changes, the program's functions and Jinshan drifter like similar software.

多诺万被称为漂泊者和空想者,他将自己的名字改成了一个1980年电视短剧中一个角色的名字。Donovan is described as a drifter and a fantasist, changing his name to a character in a 1980's TV mini-series.

这几年常常要往国内跑,有时为工作、有时也为了那种无以言状的游子情。I visit the Mainland China frequently, sometimes for work, sometimes owe to the indescribable homesickness of a drifter.

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通过本论文的论述,能够更接近井伏鳟二的漂流文学世界的话,本人将深感荣幸。The author will be greatly honored if, with the discourse of the thesis, his drifter literature can attract more and more people.

上周,几家科研单位的科学家们使用大型光学望远镜检测了这个物体的光谱特性。Last week, scientists at several academic institutions used a large optical telescope to check the spectral properties of the drifter.

六月,在北京奥运会开幕前夕,当局把许多流民送到城市三十公里外的救助站里。In June, when the authorities whisked many of the drifter tribe members to a shelter 30 miles from the city in a pre-Olympics purge, Mr.