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你的流水如此顽皮,濯涤着她洁白的双足。How wanton thy waters her snowy feet lave.

那么是什么引起了这些野蛮的破坏?So what touched off such wanton destruction?

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放荡的哲人、腐败的孩子。Wanton philosophers, children of putrescence.

一个放肆的念头在她心里闪过,叫她吃了一惊。She was surprised by a wanton thought that rushed into her mind.

专家相信放荡的女人对性更了解。The Fundies believe that these wanton women know too much about sex.

很明显地,大家都是冲着云吞面而来的。But it's pretty obvious the customers are here for the wanton noodles.

院里的梧桐,曾经的凤凰,哪一个,不憎恨肆意撒来的寒霜?In the Indus, former Phoenix, which, not to hate the wanton and frost?

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柔软的细沙轻轻地抚摸着脚丫,海风肆意地吹动身上的每一根毛发。Soft sand gently stroked ?wanton sea breeze blowing in every body hair.

那一刻,伤口被肆意的展览,让我忘却了所有的痛疼。At that moment, the wound was wanton exhibition, let me forget all the pain.

手举的伞,遮不住雨的倾泻,肆意地打在女孩的身上。Holding the umbrella, can not cover the rain pours, wanton play on the girl.

我吃午餐特色菜牛肉炒青椒,再来一碗馄饨汤。Let me have your beef with pepper on your lunch specials and a bowl of wanton soup.

在这灯红酒绿的街头,我迷失在这纸醉金迷的世界里了!In this debauchery's street corner, I lost in this wanton and luxurious living world!

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纵观整个居室,缤纷色彩肆意跃动,和谐而不零乱。Review whole bedroom, profusion colour is wanton jump move, harmonious and not messy.

灯红酒绿成就男人雄心,水性杨花显尽女人风情。Scene of debauchery achievement man of ambition, wanton make significant woman style.

我习惯了现在这个波澜不惊的自己,曾经的恣意狂笑放到了背后里。I used to own now in this placid, once placed in the back of the wanton guffaw inside.

一个是成年男子放荡的行径,一个是无知少女天真的受骗!The wanton action of a man of maturity --- the deceivedinnocence of an ignorant child!

脑袋里有一段往事在肆意翻涌,有时候真的想回忆和勾勾手指。Head a segment of the past in wanton surge, sometimes really want to recall and hook finger.

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像你这样聪明的人竟然做出这种荒唐的故意破坏的事情超出了我的知识范围。It is outside my ken how anyone of your intelligence can commit such a wanton act of vandalism.

正如他的步伐,他与他的手小提琴,这是著名的灵巧和肆意行为。As he paces, he fiddles with his hands, which are famous for their dexterity and wanton behavior.

在任性与不知所谓的行走里肆意的妄为,奔赴一场声势浩大的未知。In capricious and do not know the so-called walking in the daydream wanton toured a vocal unknown.