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我们还踢毽子。OK! We kick shuttlecock.

让我们来踢毽子吧!Let's kick the shuttlecock and.

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啊呀!毽子到哪里去了?Oops! Where is the shuttlecock?

过来跟我们一起踢毽子吧。Come and kick shuttlecock with us.

她喜欢踢毽子。She likes kicking the shuttlecock.

去踢毽子怎么样?What about kicking the shuttlecock?

我们在院中踢毽子。We kicked the shuttlecock in the yard.

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虽然他是个男孩,但是毽子踢得很好。Boy as he is , he plays shuttlecock very well.

其实我羽毛球和台球也打得不错啦!I'm also fond of billard ball and shuttlecock.

他们的羽毛球结果落到树枝上了。Their shuttlecock ended up on the tree branch.

每天踢毽子对你有好处。It is useful to kick the shuttlecock every day.

踢毽子之后,我感到非常疲惫。I feel deadly tired after kicking the shuttlecock.

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踢毽子增进了我的食欲。Kicking the shuttlecock has sharpened my appetite.

今天是毽球节,我心情好极了。Today is shuttlecock festival. I'm in a good mood.

大多数人缺乏对毽球运动的了解。Second, the majority know a little of the shuttlecock.

不知道什么时候,我非常善于玩踢毽子。Do not know when, I am very good at playing shuttlecock.

踢毽子是最有效力的医疗方法。There is nothing as sanative as kicking the shuttlecock.

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在什刹海荷花市场,一名老外正在踢毽子。A foreign guest kicking a shuttlecock outside the Lotus Market.

踢毽子不仅锻炼身体,也增进脑力。Shuttlecock not only exercises your body, but your brain as well.

毽子是一块圆形而顶端有毛的软木塞。A shuttlecock was a rounded piece of cork with feathers stuck ontop.