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他亦是一个厚脸皮的煽动家。He is also cheekily provocative.

她厚着脸提醒自己说,“一定要穿鞋去。”"Must wear shoes, " she reminds herself cheekily.

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他看到我的焦虑然后吃吃地笑,偷乐地向我眨着眼睛。The doctor saw my anxiety and chuckled, then winked at me cheekily.

然而,当探员们兴师动众地突袭他所在的公寓时,他却以一副我已在此恭候多时的得瑟样儿津津有味地啃着一盒甜甜圈。agents’ cellphones in the area, he cheekily had a box of doughnuts waiting for them when they raided his apartment.

只有厚脸皮的人才会认为这名葡萄牙主帅的言论是有道理的,如果工资上说也许是对的。One might cheekily suggest the current Portugal coach could be justified in his assumption, if wages are anything to go by.

获胜者大胆地在履历最后一页盖上「录取」,此举吸引了评审的注意。The winner cheekily stamped the word "hired" on the last page of the resume, a move that caught the attention of the judges.

他面对镜头时总显得调皮,挫折时总会表现出真实的失落,胜利时也会表现出无可抑制的高兴。He would cheekily joke to the cameras and show genuine emotional reactions to setbacks and infectious delight when he succeeded.

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花时间给招聘顾问提供有用的信息或者即使嬉皮笑脸地给他们一个小礼物也会有不一样的结果。Taking the time to provide useful information to a recruitment consultant or even cheekily giving them a small gift might make the difference.

与此同时,鲁珀特也加入了松驰晚礼服的行列,而丹开始向他抗议,“嗨,我想我应该穿件更好的晚礼服!As he was doing this Rupert joined him at ease in his tux, seeing this Dan protested cheekily "Hey, I thought I was suppose to have the better tux!"

乔治王子两岁啦!在一张首次公布的照片中,乔治王子依偎在爸爸的怀里,调皮地笑着,一副好动不安的样子。Grinning cheekily in his father's arms, Prince George can't resist monkeying around in this previously unseen photograph issued to mark his second birthday.

“贝巴就是一位这么有天赋的球员,而且他与队伍衔接的很好,”这位爱尔兰国脚对MUTV如是说,之后他还不忘厚面皮的说自己是保加利亚人进球的助攻手。"Berba is such a talented player and he links the team so well, " the Irish international told MUTV, before cheekily adding he'd be claiming an assist for the Bulgarian's opener.

下半场苏亚雷斯接管了比赛,喜鹊们对他丝毫没有办法,最终凭着路易斯对纽卡斯尔后卫不讲理地逼抢而导致了迈克·威廉森拉倒了他。Suarez really excelled in the second period where the Magpies just couldn't deal with him and it eventually led to Mike Williamson hauling him down after he had cheekily robbed the defender.