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接气性,是无想象力窘蹙者最后的借口。Donsistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.

逃学的孩子们都缺乏想像力。Children who play truant from school are unimaginative.

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他是个缺乏想像力、一切照章办事的人。He is an unimaginative person who does everything by the book.

这样的开头没有想像力,枯燥,单调,可能只由风组成。It is unimaginative , flat, dry and likely to consist of mere wind.

但在普通的,无想象力的游客眼里,它们是看不见的。But to the eye of the ordinary, unimaginative traveler, they are invisible.

我认为不愿展开想像的人会看到更多的怪兽,他们往往更感到更害怕。I think the wilfully unimaginative see more monsters. They are often more afraid.

齐达内球场下的平淡无奇延伸到他的衣柜里,简直是有些呆板、缺少想像力。Zidane's off-field blandness extends to his wardrobe, which is just sort of dull and unimaginative.

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这部影片的缺点包括老套的情节设计,以及缺乏想象力的角色和布景。The film`s weaknesses include predictable plotting as well as unimaginative characters and settings.

我们看到过把声音和影像与这些媒体结合起来,但是其形式却是非常的松散单调。We have seen the addition of audio and video to these media, but in very prosaic, unimaginative ways.

学者对于开创力相对贫乏的弗拉戈那尔居然能够开展如此新奇的路数,不免啧啧惊奇。Scholars have expressed amazement that the rather unimaginative Fragonnard could indulge in such an innovative approach.

一方面,和街道里其他枯燥和缺乏想象力的邮箱比这肯定会是很好的创意。On one hand, it would certainly be original when compared to the other dull and unimaginative mailboxes lining the street.

当一个下属很迅速的完成了领导安排的任务,一个缺乏想象力的德主管会不知所措,不知道接下来应该安排什么任务给你。When a subordinate finishes a first assignment quickly, the unimaginative manager often is at a loss for a next assignment.

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中国可能是世界上增长最快的汽车市场,但是到目前为止中国国产汽车设计却被证明是最为缺乏想象力的。China may be the world's fastest-growing automotive market, but so far homegrown Chinese car design has proven unimaginative at best.

英语是一种多姿多彩的语言,但是谩骂者也使用着同样的语言,他们使用那些无趣的词语已经长达几个世纪。English is a colorful language, but chronic cursers repeatedly use the same, unimaginative words that have been around for centuries.

很明显,缺乏安全感的或者想象力的领导不能吸引或留住人才,这样有损于团队的工作能力。Naturally insecure or unimaginative managers don't attract or keep great talent, which diminishes their team's ability to get results.

你总是能说你正在处理一个你无法理解的一个缺乏想象力的灵魂,为什么这个家伙看起来像只猪?You can always tell you're dealing with an unimaginative soul when he or she can't figure out, good glavin, why does this guy look like a pig?

高大的石立面威严地伫立,看不见的拱门贯穿其中,即便是想象力最贫乏的人也能联想到相关的民间故事而感到不安。The commanding presence of towering stone façades pierced with sightless arches can cast the eerie shadow of folklore on even the most unimaginative mind.

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这些没什么想象力的小男孩就把队伍取名为,“老鹰”和“响尾蛇”,接着,分组以后,他们就形成了各自的文化。Being unimaginative boys, they called themselves "The Eagles" and "The Rattlers" but as--what happened was, being separated they developed distinctive cultures.

雷克萨斯的设计一贯缺乏想象力,雷克萨斯也一直承诺要改变这种局面,但是却一直达不到自己定下的标准,也无法满足忠实顾客的要求。Lexus has been promising to do something about its unimaginative design but has been unable to live up to its own standards or the demands of conquest customers.

美国人发现,中餐馆多年来一直是那老一套一毫无创意的菜品,加上饭店里陈旧的仿宫廷式装潢。For American diners, the Chinese restaurant experience is the same tired routine — unimaginative dishes served amid dated, pseudo-imperial décor — that we've known for years.