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盐不平等地被分布在行星周围。Salt is unequally distributed around the planet.

暴力和污染的扩散也是不平等的。Violence and pollution are spread even more unequally.

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基本的道德观是生而不均的。The fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth.

在一些国家妇女仍然不被平等对待是不公平的。That in some countries women are still not treated unequally is unfair.

贫困的减少——同样,世界上的资源也是不均匀分布的。less poverty – similarly, the world’s resources are unequally distributed.

基于非均匀线阵的计算机仿真表明该方法的恒定束宽效果是令人满意的。Simulation based on an unequally spaced array is presented to verify the method.

日本是一个非常富有的国家,但像英国一样,财富分布高度不平等。Japan is a very wealthy country but like the UK the wealth is highly unequally distributed.

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倘若信与不信之人同负一轭,两人的价值必生矛盾。When a believer is unequally yoked with a non-believer, their different values are in conflict.

除了美国之外,英国几乎是世界上富足大国中收入分配最不平等的国家。Income is distributed more unequally in Britain than in almost any big rich country except America.

过去25年期间产生的经济增长效益分配得不平均。The benefits of the economic growth that has taken place over the last 25 years are unequally distributed.

地球获得的辐射分布不均匀,地球向大气输送的热也是如此。Radiation received by the earth is unequally distributed, as is the energy trabsferred from earth to atmosphere.

尽管我使尽全力与他论战,但因为年龄的极不相称,我遭受过几次惨重的失败。But though I fought him with all my strength, unequally matched in age as we were, I suffered many a bitter defeat.

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你可能会对这些人所拥有的财富感到骄傲,可是你不觉得你们国家的资源分配是多么的不公平啊?You can feel proud of their wealth but don't you think that the resources of your country are distributed unequally???

你告知这个孤负你的己道你们曾经分别了,否你仍然没有停挨电话给他。于非魔鬼留下了他的背囊。You told your unequally yoked mate that it was over, but you still continue to call. You let the devil leave his bags.

它涉及国内公司和国外公司之间的伙伴关系,他们或等量或不等量地分得股份。It involves partnerships between a domestic firm and a foreign firm, with the shares of ownership being equally or unequally divided.

那种受过教育者,所必备的纪律与自制,对他而言似乎是不平等地,区隔了人群。The kind of discipline and self-restraint necessary for an educated mind appears, for him, to be unequally divided among human beings.

两书都表现了红颜祸水和德欲矛盾的观念,尤其都设置了一组对立的类型,表现了对女性的轻视和不平等。In particular, the pair of contrasting images of women set in the books shows that women are being looked down upon and unequally treated.

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偏心是一个宽泛的概念,是指某种行为未能一视同仁地施用于全体员工,且能让接受方非公平地获得好处。Preferential treatment is a broad category, describing behavior that is unequally applied to workers and can inequitably benefit recipients.

如果各数据库分区存储的记录数不均,就会导致不均衡的存储需求和性能问题。If records are stored unequally across the database partitions, it can result in disproportional storage requirements and performance problems.

你们和不信的原不相配,不要同负一轭。义和不义有什麽相交呢?光明和黑暗有什麽相通呢?Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?