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木材有椴木,水曲柳等。Timber has basswood, Manchurian ash and so on.

以分布范围来看,远东苇莺可能性高很多。On range, Manchurian Reed is far the more likely.

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游客朋友们,现在我们参观的是东北虎林园。Dear guests, now we are visiting Manchurian tiger garden.

东北虎是典型的林栖动物。The Manchurian tiger is the typical forests inhabit animal.

东北虎属于国家一类保护动物。The Manchurian tiger is the First-grade State protection animal.

从满洲时代遗留下来的一些年老的高级军官给撤换了。Some aging higher officers inherited from the Manchurian days were sacked.

从此,紫禁城的匾额上出现了满文。From then on, Manchurian appeared on the horizontal board of Forbidden City.

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这也是东北三个省所在地的中国总督的。It was also the seat of the Chinese viceroy of the three Manchurian provinces.

在满洲土地上的蒋军士兵不想再打下去了。The soldiers of Chiang Kai-shekon Manchurian soil did not wish any longer to fight.

稻田苇莺或远东苇莺其中一种。One of either Paddyfield Warbler A. agricola or Manchurian Reed Warbler A. tangorum.

他们开始同满洲人民来往,接着又同八路军来往。They began to fraternize with the Manchurian people and then with the 8th Route Army.

随着铁路建设的南满,奉天成为俄罗斯的大本营。With the building of the South Manchurian Railway, Mukden became a Russian stronghold.

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门以上有斑块轴承相同的名字在中文和满洲里的角色。Above the door there is a plaque bearing the same name in both Chinese and Manchurian characters.

日本战败后,满铁大部分资料留存于中国,分散于中国国内的数十家图书馆。After Japan's defeat, most of the data of Manchurian Railways stayed in dozens of China's libraries.

这条战线的激战远远超过了被大肆渲染的满洲战线,并很快成为举足轻重的战场。This front far outstripped the more publicized Manchurian front and soon became of nationwide importance.

如果要对满州的目标使用原子弹的话,这与其说是为了破坏,不如说是为了制造恐慌。Any use of the atomic bomb on Manchurian targets would be more for the purpose of panic than of destruction.

官府的繁文缛节,也妨碍贸易活动的开展,并且为关内来的官员向满洲小商人敲诈勒索开了方便之门。Red tape was also stifling trade and giving southern officials a chance to squeeze small Manchurian merchants.

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约5万名美海陆军士兵登陆,增援向中国东北与北朝接壤地区开进的盟军部队。About 50,000 U. S. soldiers and Marines hit the beach to bolster Allied forces driving toward the Manchurian border.

1912年成立的东三省防疫处是中国医学现代化进程的里程碑。The North Manchurian Plague Prevention Service founded in 1912 was the milestone in Chinese modern medicinal history.

透过满铁政治作用的具体表现可以发现满铁与民间财阀相比,其有强烈的受政府支配性。By the above mentioned, Manchurian Railways was strongly controlled by government when comparing with folk plutocrats.