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高用户负载共时负载视图测试High user load concurrent load view tests

两个子进程并发执行。Concurrent execution of two sub-processes.

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第一个是并行的资源分配。The first is concurrent resource allocation.

将并发流合并为单个流。Combines concurrent flows into a single flow.

也就是说,软件支持并行工程。So, you see, it supports concurrent engineering.

设计有超时限制的并发阻塞队列Designing a concurrent blocking queue with timeouts

病变可多发,常并发精索静脉曲张。Lesions, often can be multiple concurrent varicocele.

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解决了并行工程中的工艺性问题。Technology problem was solved to Concurrent engineering.

这些类将以一种并发方式协同工作。These classes will work cooperatively in a concurrent manner.

这样就简化了许多并发算法的开发。This simplifies the development of many concurrent algorithms.

建构一动态绘图。展示肾脏线外,共点的三条切线。Construct an animation of three concurrent tangents of the nephroid.

主动的沟通是并行工程的重要方面。Proactive interface is a important aspect of concurrent engineering.

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患者接受了一完整的合并化学放射治疗。The patient underwent a full course of concurrent chemoradiotherapy.

他被判处30个月和18个月的监禁,合并执行。He was imprisoned for two concurrent terms of 30 months and 18 months.

并行工程是现代生产制造技术中的一种新模式。Concurrent engineering is a new model of modern manufacture technology.

可达性测试是并发软件测试中的一种有效方法。Reachability testing is a valid method for concurrent software testing.

这意味着其很容易扩展成一个可以处理成千上的并发量的服务架构。This means it can scale to tens of thousands of concurrent connections.

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清除并发队列,销毁所有当前已排入队列的元素。Clears the concurrent queue, destroying any currently enqueued elements.

由“请”字可以组成兼语结构但并非一定组成兼语结构。The word "please" can form the concurrent structure but not all of them.

这样以一定的延迟确保了正确的并发行为。This ensures correct concurrent behavior at the expense of some latency.