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你要慢慢适应这种逐步同化You've got to do this gradual assimilation.

美国仍然是惊人的同化机器。The U.S. is still an astonishing assimilation machine.

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你将新信息纳入已有的认知结构中,便是同化You could expand it to encompass new things, assimilation.

同化混染的岩石主要是海西期或燕山期花岗岩。The rocks of the assimilation are Hercynian-Yanshan granites.

消化性溃疡是消化内科的常见病。Peptic ulcer is a common disease in assimilation department. Dr.

阿芝科特联盟源于一场对外征服和同化的战役。The Aztec confederacy began a campaign of conquest and assimilation.

事实上,中国的民族政策很全面,就是不包括文化同化。In fact, there is everything but cultural assimilation in our policy.

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这一政策的实质是民族压迫和民族同化。The essence of such a policy is national oppression and assimilation.

但我们已经讨论过,这种同化是不可欲的。But we have already discussed the undesirability of this assimilation.

间歇反应中微生物同化作用占主导地位。Microbe assimilation plays a leading role in the intermittent reaction.

中西融合与“文化同化”有着本质上的不同。China-and-West-Merge is essentially different from cultural assimilation.

然后,将模拟的海温同NCEP海洋同化资料相比较。Then, the simulated results are compared with NCEP ocean assimilation data.

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报纸社论经常对同化的种种困难提出警告。Newspaper editorials often give warning of the difficulties of assimilation.

肌肉组织就是由这些不同种类的氨基酸通过同化作用组成的。Remember, muscle tissue is made from the assimilation of various amino acids.

标志着荷兰的移民融合政策走上了同化的道路。The Dutch policy of integration of immigrants took to the road of assimilation.

成岩作用是分离结晶和同化混染联合作用。The main diagenesis is fractional crystallization assimilation and contamination.

陆面数据同化是一种集成多源地理空间数据的新思路。Land data assimilation is a new means for multi-source geospatial data integration.

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同化是指,反应范围的扩大So, assimilation would be the act of expanding the range of things that you respond to.

但是,国际私法的趋同化方式却受着法律文化传统的深厚影响。However, the route of assimilation of private international law is influenced by law culture.

这个阶段流入污水的构成是充分的吸收了炼焦炉的污水。The composition of the influent of this period was a full assimilation of coke oven wastewater.