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我不希望赢得一场季前赛的比赛15-0。I don't want to win a preseason match 15-0.

丹尼尔奥尔顿的膝伤可能让他错过季前赛。Daniel Orton’s knee will cause him to miss the preseason.

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现在我们的正在进行冬衣的季节性促销。We are now having a preseason sale on all our winter apparel.

此项更严厉的举措将在下月的季前赛里开始执行。The stricter approach is to begin next month in the preseason.

我感激我的教练和队友们,从训练营到季前赛,我一直试着如此。That's what I tried to do, from training camp to the preseason.

有一年季前赛,国王队遇到芝加哥公牛队。During the preseason one year, the Kings met up with the Chicago Bulls.

麦迪首战只得4分,全场出战15分钟5投1中,但NBA的大牌球星在季前赛都是这副德性。TM had 4 points in 15m, 1 of 5. Most superstars are like this in preseason.

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你在季前赛上做了什么能让教练组认为你足够能力成为雄鹿队的首发球员?What did you do in the preseason to impress the coaches enough to be a starter?

季前训练我们去了洛杉矶,我的室友像往常一样,是马克斯维尔。We went to L. A during preseason to train, and my roommate was Maxwell, as usual.

肖恩梅这个星期意外的取代了海耶斯获得了先发的位置。Sean May got an unexpected start over Spencer Hawes in a preseason game this week.

火箭队目前就是需要一些时间,而这也是他们季前赛所拥有的。The Rockets just need some time, and that’s exactly what they have in the preseason.

在至今令人印象深刻的季前赛过后,尤文图斯老板埃尔坎很是高兴。Juventus powerbroker Lapo Elkann is upbeat after an impressive preseason campaign so far.

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因为过于疲劳,特科格鲁错过了球队的训练营和季前赛。Hedo Turkoglu has been held out of preseason action and most of training camp due to fatigue.

这些赛季前的巡游成色十足,从而给赞助商提供机会开发目标市场。Those preseason tours can be pure gold, giving sponsors the chance to exploit target markets.

季前名单以及排名只是公开出来给大家的谈资,我想这是好的。The preseason lists and rankings are just to garner talk and publicity, which I suppose is good.

这是因为他要在骑士队最后一场在哥伦布对华盛顿奇才的比赛中养精蓄锐。The plan is for him to play in Cleveland's preseason finale Friday in Columbus against Washington.

考奇是1999年克利夫兰布朗的第一新秀,不过他从2004年季前赛开始就没有在NFL联盟里打过一场比赛。Couch, the top pick by Cleveland in 1999, hasn't played a down in the NFL since the 2004 preseason.

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克莱汤普森季前赛还呼风唤雨的呐。当汤普森手感冰凉的时候,对球队的影响是真的大。I mean Klay was dominating in the preseason. When Klay is ice cold though it really effects the team.

在追随湖人的7场季前赛中,他在仅有的7.7分钟上场时间里场均得到3分和1.7个篮板。In seven preseason games with the Lakers, Gaffney averaged 3.0 points and 1.7 rebounds in 7.7 minutes.

在季前赛,不同的阵容和许多球员轮流打比赛,这很难做到,但我们正在努力。It's harder to do in the preseason with different lineups and a lot of guys rotating, but we're trying.