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坎农博士说。Dr. Cannon said.

炮在隆隆地响。The cannon thundered.

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大炮从四面八方齐发。Cannon volleyed on all sides.

炮火要横飞多久。Es must the cannon balls fly.

我们听到轰的一声炮响。We heard the bang of a cannon.

我到这儿来修大炮来了。Iwim here to fix the the cannon.

当你有炮灰支援的时候才使用高斯炮。Use only with own cannon fodder.

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你需要把景隆消失。You need to put the cannon away.

大炮在山间轰鸣。The cannon thundered in the hills.

隆隆的炮声无法将你战胜。The cannon"s thunder can"t prevail.

固定武器包括一门23毫米机炮。Fixed weapon includes a 23mm cannon.

他是个很危险的冒失鬼。He is a very dangerous loose cannon.

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铸像被熔成为一尊大炮。The statue was melted into a cannon.

我们将大炮对准要塞。We trained our cannon upon the fort.

塔利班真的不需要炮灰。They don't really need cannon fodder.

双方都备有直升机和高压水枪。Both have helicopters and water cannon.

一门古董大炮让人想起不太和平的年代。One of the planes fired a 30-mm cannon.

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远处响起隆隆的炮声。The cannon was roaring in the distance.

军队把大炮瞄向要塞。The army trained its cannon On the fort.

这支军队把一门大炮对准了那座碉堡。The army trained its cannon on the fort.