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研究其他书法家学习岛屿半安色尔字体形式。Study other calligraphers to learn the Insular half-uncial form.

写作岛屿半安色尔字体的书法形式,可以很优雅。Writing calligraphy in Insular half-uncial form can be very elegant.

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但是,中国金融系统的封闭性也导致它不够发达。But China's insular financial system has also kept it underdeveloped.

岛叶皮层亦称为脑岛,它位于大脑内部深处。The insular cortex also known as the insula lies deep inside the brain.

在41例皮瓣中,36例是主要以相应动脉为基础的手内神经血管岛状皮瓣。Of 41 flaps, 36 were insular neurovascular flaps, mainly based on proper artery.

但反过来说,英国人自己在其文学鉴赏中也显得有些狭隘愚陋。But then, the English themselves are somewhat insular in their literary appraisals.

他们的失败之旅证实了巴基斯坦和阿富汗交战的孤立特点。Their dashed journey underscores the insular nature of the Pakistan and Afghan militancy.

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海峰湿地间歇性干涸明显,是一较为封闭的高原水域生态系统。Water dried up seasonally in Haifeng wetland, whose ecosystem was an insular plateau lake.

结论颏下区岛状肌皮瓣可用于一期修复颊部洞穿性缺损。Conclusion Adopting submental area insular musculocutaneous skin valve was an effective way.

究其原因,他解释说,是感觉到该网站比过去更为封闭且排外了。The reason, he explains, is that the site feels more insular and exclusive than in the past.

他们都沉浸在一个“色彩斑斓”、“与世隔绝”的泡沫里,而互联网行业就是在这个泡沫里发展壮大。They are toiling inside the sunny, insular bubble that the web industry has grown up inside.

布朗博士说,大脑中负责物理疼痛的部分--岛叶开始变得活跃。The insular cortex, the part of the brain that experiences physical pain, became very active.

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特别是,居民的冷山是作为森严,与世隔绝,和狭隘的。In particular, the inhabitants of Cold Mountain are presented as guarded, insular , and narrow-minded.

目的探讨脑卒中患者心律失常情况及其与岛叶病变的关系。Objective To assess the effect of insular cortex on cardiac damage in patients with cerebral apoplexy.

大约一半的岛屿在书法学习与此安色尔字体从书法家免费书写视频。Learn about the Insular half-uncial in calligraphy with this free handwriting video from a calligrapher.

海啸使得印度的这个与世隔绝的渔村首次与外界取得联络。The tsunami brought India’s insular fishing community in touch with the outside world for the first time.

对于最近瑞典皇家学院贬抑美国作品偏狭无知的评论,格拉斯表示不屑。He was dismissive of recent remarks from the Swedish Academy that American writing is insular and ignorant.

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日本是个四面环海的群岛国家,岛国地位影响着日本的方方面面。Japan is an island. Such an insular position affect Japan' all aspects including its geopolitical strategy.

目的应用颏下区岛状肌皮瓣一期修复颊部洞穿性缺损。Objective To apply submental area insular musculocutaneous skin valve to stage 1 restoration jaw caved defect.

我瞧不起“网络文化”,网络文化乏味无聊、自以为是、一知半解而没有上下文语境衔接。I despise "internet culture". It's so pointless, so self-fulfilling, so completely insular and without context.