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你白润的皮肤真让人羡慕。Your white skin is really enviable.

他的艺术才能使他赢得了令人羡慕的声誉。He acquired an enviable reputation for artistic ability.

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青春如梦,短暂而充满理想,高阔而让人羡慕。Youth is a dream brief and ambitious, lofty and enviable.

——最引人嫉妒的八个字母的单词是“妒嫉”。远离它。The most enviable eight-letter word is "jealousy". distance it.

她把小福子看成个最可爱,最可羡慕,也值得嫉妒的人。Tigress considered her the most lovable and enviable of people.

我们是令人羡慕的好同学,好朋友,好的似姊妹。We are an enviable good students, good friends, good like sisters.

这些新头儿们将拥有学术界中最令人羡慕的工作。The newcomers will have some of the most enviable jobs in academia.

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面积2723平方千米,她的一园一景都令人流连忘返。An area of 2723 square km and a garden she has an enviable mix of a King.

虽然没那么酷了,但是非常健康,收入让人眼馋。Not so cool, perhaps, but certainly very solid and with enviable revenue.

在汉旺,东方汽轮机厂的工人是很令人羡慕的。In Hanwang, there was a saying that it was enviable to be a worker ofDongfang.

另外,它给蟑螂那令人羡慕的忍耐力提供了一个更好的证明。Plus, it provides just one more testament to the cockroach's enviable endurance.

设计院在同行业中具有很强的实力,拥有骄人的业绩。Design Institute in the same industry is of great strength, with enviable performance.

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他的艺术才能使他蜚声文艺界。He acquired an enviable reputation in literary and art circles for his artistic ability.

德国中小企业长期依赖于他们在国内拥有的令人嫉妒的销售网。Mittelstand companies have long relied on the enviable network they already have at home.

过多的储蓄可能看起来是个令人羡慕的问题,但它不太可能有太多的好事。Too much saving may seem like an enviable problem, but there can be too much of a good thing.

他想到,劳伦斯·莱弗茨就是一个彻底实现了这一令人羡慕的理想的丈夫。Lawrence Lefferts occurred to him as the husband who had most completely realised this enviable ideal.

尽管他还要洗去偏激的形象,但是直到目前,他至少在经济建设上取得了骄人的战绩。He has yet to shed his polarising image, but he has at least built up an enviable record on the economy.

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我们拥有令人羡慕的业绩,在为大面积土地拥有者提供土地和水资产环保管理方面,成绩卓著。We have an enviable record of the environmental management of land and water assets for major landholders.

我觉得那很令人鼓舞,尽管弗林家族可能有失眠症,但同时他们也享有让人羡慕的寿命。I found that encouraging, for while the Flynns may have had insomnia, they also enjoyed enviable longevity.

除了有最新手机的显著特征外,腕式手机还有让人艳羡的媒体中心。Besides the obvious features found in the latest cellphones, Rollerphone boasts of an enviable media centre.