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其后腿长,耳和眼都大,尾细长,外表像跳鼠或更格卢鼠。Its long hind legs, ears and eyes are large, slender tail, looks like a jerboa or dipodomys.

正在吃昆虫的这种长耳跳鼠如今只生活在蒙古西部地区。The tiny, insect-eating Long-Eared Jerboa lives only in one small area of south west Mongolia.

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细心一看,本来是黑石头、椋鸟、红毛跟另一个绰号叫跳鼠的海盗。I recognized they were Darkstone, Starling, Redhair and another pirate with the nickname of Jerboa.

仔细一看,原来是黑石头、椋鸟、红毛和另一个绰号叫跳鼠的海盗。I recognized they were Darkstone, Starling , Redhair and another pirate with the nickname of Jerboa.

而大多数跳鼠靠食用种子和植物为生,科学家认为长耳跳鼠多数食用昆虫。While most jerboas munch on seeds and plant material, scientists think the long-eared jerboa eats mostly insects.

从长耳跳鼠巨大的耳朵就可以轻松将其和跳鼠区分开,它的耳朵大概比头大出三倍。The long-eared jerboa can be distinguished from other jerboas by its enormous ears, which are about a third larger than its head.

拍摄下的视频和项目现场调查研究将帮助科学家为长耳跳鼠设计出保护方案。Results from video footage and the program's field research will help scientists design a conservation plan for the long-eared jerboa.

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拍摄下的视频和项目现场调查研究将帮助科学家为长耳跳鼠设计出保护方案。Results from video footage and the program's field research will help scientists design a conservation plan for the long- eared jerboa.

但是它可能是近乎灭绝的啮齿动物之一,如果栖息地受到干扰,其他威胁因素延续,就会将长耳跳鼠逼入绝境。But that might be one of the rodent's last roles, if habitat disturbances and other threats continue, pushing the long-eared jerboa over the edge.

被冠以“蒙古米老鼠”的长耳跳鼠最近因为野外首次被相机捕捉到身影而一跃成为大家瞩目的明星。Dubbed the "Mickey Mouse of Mongolia, " the long-eared jerboa took a star turn recently when it was caught on camera for the first time in the wild.

例如,科学家们不清楚在野外还生存着多少长耳跳鼠,抑或是长耳跳鼠的行为是否和它跳鼠科的近亲相似,例如蹶鼠和其它跳鼠。For instance, scientists don't know how many individuals exist in the wild or whether this jerboa behaves like its relatives in the family Dipodidae, such as birch mice and other jerboas.

例如,科学家们不清楚在野外还生存着多少长耳跳鼠,抑或是长耳跳鼠的行为是否和它跳鼠科的近亲相似,例如蹶鼠和其它跳鼠。For instance, scientists don't know how many individuals exist in the wild or whether this jerboa behaves like its relatives in the family Dipodidae, such as birch mice and other jerboas.

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虽然跳鼠很少出现在这种猫头鹰的菜单中,但三趾跳鼠觉得该回家了,不只为了逃避危险的注视,也为了躲避严寒。Although jerboas rarely appear on these owls' menus, for the 3-toed jerboa that's it, and then heads for home, not only to avoid any unhealthy attention, but also to avoid the chilly temperatures.