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请读玛拉基书。Read the book of Malachi.

耶和华藉玛拉基传给以色列的默示。The word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.

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“可以吗?”弛说,“玛拉基接受了神谕。”May I? he said. The Lord has spoken to Malachi.

耶和华藉玛拉基传给以色列的默示。The burden of the word of the LORD to Israel by Malachi.

先知玛拉基写了旧约最后一本书。Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book.

该玛拉基书是最后一次在佳能的旧约先知。The Book of Malachi is the last in the canon of the Old Testament Prophets.

和尼希米一样,他们都是神委派为他的子民带来改变的代理人。Ezra and Malachi . Like Nehemiah, they were agents of change for God's people.

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让马太福音紧接玛拉基书之后是最合适不过了。It is fitting that Matthew's book should come immediately after that of Malachi.

表示,玛拉基是该部落的西布伦,并于出生后获释。Relates that Malachi was of the tribe of Zebulun, and was born after the Captivity.

先知玛拉基曾警诫当时以色列民献重礼给省长,却非献给神的谬行。US. The prophet Malachi warned his people who gave better gifts to officials than to God.

玛拉基是最后的12书籍的未成年人的先知,在旧约的圣经。Malachi is the last of the 12 books of the Minor Prophets in the Old Testament of the Bible.

他给以色列人民一个答案,一个盼望,同样也是给现代的我们的,因为我们处在和玛拉基相同的时代。He provided them an answer, a hope, which could be applied to us, for we are in the age of Malachi.

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从旧约最后一本书玛拉基书到第一本福音书马太福音间隔的时间。The time gap between Malachi the last book of the Old Testament and Matthew the first of the gospels.

玛拉基的意思是“我的使者”在希伯来文,和不少学者认为,这是的实际名称先知。Malachi means "my messenger" in Hebrew, and few scholars believe that it is the actual name of the prophet.

并且已经证实声音并非来自著名的杰克逊歌声模仿者杰森玛拉奇的。It was also specifically verified that the vocals did not belong to well-known Jackson impersonator, Jason Malachi.

虽然在这些事上全国都有罪,玛拉基却指责祭司,因他们在上帝面前是做全国百姓的代表。Although the whole nation was guilty in this respect, Malachi addresses the priests, since they were the representatives of the nation before God.

比赛第11分钟,埃尔南德斯在禁区被伍德盖特和门将贝格维齐放倒受伤离场。Within 11 minutes, Javier Hernandez went off after getting a Malachi Crunch of sorts in the box between Jonathan Woodgate and keeper Asmir Begovic.

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答案可在玛拉基书第3章找到,原因可能是他们窃取了从神而来之物,不肯把神托付给他们的一小部分归还给神。The answer may be found in Malachi 3. Perhaps they have been stealing from God by refusing to return to God a small part of what he has entrusted to them.

百姓属灵的眼是瞎的,心是刚硬的,这从他们回覆玛拉基的话可以看出来。The people's spiritual blindness, calloused hearts, and spiritual decay were evident in their questions and responses to the words of the prophet Malachi.

应特别注意哈该和撒迦利亚在与所罗巴伯的关系上所扮演的角色。Note especially the role of Haggai and Zechariah in relation to Zerubabbel. Focus on Malachi as ministering during or after the failures of Nehemiah 's reforms.