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盛行西北风。Prevailing northwest wind.

你是指往西北边走吗?Do you mean to the northwest?

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正刮着西北风。The northwest wind is blowing.

他居住在太平洋西北地区。He resides in the Pacific Northwest.

太平洋西北部的冰酒故事The Pacific Northwest Ice Wine Story

西北风吼寒风叫。Northwest wind roars cold wind shouts.

不列颠哥伦比亚的欧垦那根湖区领先着西北太平洋地区的冰酒生产Pacific Northwest in ice wine production

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羌道治所今舟曲西北。Qiang Road Northwest Zhouqu this legacy.

也有人说是从东南向西北移动。Some said it moved southeast to northwest.

风向盛行西北转南东。Southeast winds prevailing northwest turn.

吉首西北的新高速地图。Map of the new highway northwest of Jishou.

欢迎您到西北,卡斯凯迪亚包。Welcome to the Northwest and Cascadia Pack.

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而西北人喜欢面条。While people in the northwest like noodles.

向,朝,是,面向或在西北的。To, toward, of, facing, or in the northwest.

寒冷干燥的西北风横扫了这个城市。A brisk northwest wind swept across the city.

阳光公园在动物园的西北面。The Sunnyside Garden is northwest of the zoo.

意大利西北部的一城市,位于在利古里亚海上。A city of northwest Italy on the Ligurian Sea.

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丽江古城坐落在昆明的西北角。THE town of Lijiang lies northwest of Kunming.

今天傍晚将开始刮西北风。The northwest wind will spring up this evening.

产卵场在我国钓鱼岛西北部。The spawning ground is northwest of Diaoyu Dao.