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它产生了共和主义。It led to Republicanism.

他们终于放宽了共和主义的严厉约束政策。They eventually loosened the strait-jacket policy of republicanism.

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他对于北爱尔兰共和主义和乌尔斯特问题特别敏感。He was particularly touchy about irish republicanism and the ulster question.

中国哲学尝试整合民主、共和主义与工业思想。Chinese philosophy attempted to incorporate democracy, republicanism and industrialism.

甲午战争后,这种为立宪派所拒绝的共和主义,被孙中山为代表的革命派所接受并传播开来。After the war of China-Japan in 1894, republicanism was accepted and spread by the revolutionary.

美国国父们在古典共和主义原则的基础上建立了美国政府。The Founders of the United States created a government based on the tenets of classical republicanism.

就民主理论而言,哈贝马斯的程序主义处于自由主义与共和主义之间。On the theory of democracy, Habermas's proceduralism has a poison between liberalism and republicanism.

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其政治诉求主要体现在捍卫共和、民主立宪、反对专制统治等焦点问题上。The political appeals focus on issues as republicanism , democratic constitutionalism and anti-autocracy.

德国国旗由三个水平面组成,从上到下分别为黑色、红色和金色。The black-red-gold is historically associated with "liberal" nationalism in Germany, rather than republicanism.

其后,他用他的整个政治生涯见证了美国共和试验的失控。He then spent his entire political career watching the American experiment in republicanism spiral out of control.

一个保守主义头面人物组成的小团体花了过去的几个月严厉指责布什版本的共和党政策。A small army of conservative bigwigs have spent the past few months excoriating Mr Bush's version of Republicanism.

到20世纪下半叶时,在波考克、斯金纳等人的努力下,共和主义得到了再一次复兴。In the latter of 20 century, republicanism was rejuvenated again with the efforts of J·G·A·Pocock and Quentin Skinner.

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共和国是千百年来政治法律家们所追求的政权组织形式。The republicanism has been a kind of political organization form pursued by politicians and jurists for thousand years.

1793年1月至5月,马拉和被认为是共和主义秘密敌人的吉伦特派进行着艰苦斗争。From January to May 1793, Marat fought bitterly with the Girondins, whom he believed to be covert enemies of republicanism.

他们在瓦兰被抓住,随后被带回巴黎,于是全法国人民爆发出爱国主义共和制的热情。They were caught at Varennes and brought back to Paris, and all France flamed up into a passion of patriotic republicanism.

近代以来,中国早期改良派在对西方国家政治形态的观察中,形成了对共和制度的初步认识。From 1840, Chinese reformist formed the cognition about republicanism during their observation of western political systems.

从而,这个靠攻击“量入为出”的民主党派而博得政治声誉的男人创造了“支出和借用”共和主义。So, a man who made his political reputation by attacking “spend and tax” Democrats invented “spend and borrow” Republicanism.

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马基雅维利的共和思想论证了当时新兴民族国家的合法性和其权力的正当性。Machiavelli's republicanism demonstrated the legitimacy of the nation-state that founded freshly and the rationality of the power.

这样杰斐逊的分区制度构想就最终发展成为杰斐逊共和主义的制度保障。Thus Jefferson's conception of the ward system eventually evolved into the institutional preservation of Jeffersonian republicanism.

虽然他的观点受到了诸多批评,但他的理论努力仍然是值得肯定的。Althought his republicanism suffers critiques in many aspects, it still represents an invaluable contribution to our political thinking.