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被告辩护律师不同意这位陪审员。The attorney for the defense challenged the juror.

这部影片赢得了戛纳金棕榈奖,那个评审组里没有评论家。This film won the Palmed'Or at Cannes no critics on that juror.

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Kolessov还告诉电台,因为作为陪审员提出反对,自己在做离职工作。Kolesov also told the station he was quitting as a juror in protest.

第十位陪审员理查·马希,是对柯帕乌有同情之感而袒护她的。Juror No. 10, Richard Marsh, was for Cowperwood in a sentimental way.

“实在是太难了,”那位陪审员说,“所有人都想判他无罪释放啊。”"Sure did, " the juror replied, "all the others wanted to acquit him. "

一位戴着陪审员徽章的年长一点的人也用担架抬了出来。An elderly man wearing a juror badge also was wheeled out of the courthouse.

这个备用的陪审员只在所有的陪审员都用完的情况下才进入陪审团。The "stood by" juror only got on the jury if the entire panel have been used up.

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正如预期的那样,事实证明让陪审员参与审判的制度很难具有吸引力和说服力。As expected, attracting and compelling juror participation have proved difficult.

但验尸官给了狄更斯和哭号的女犯一个鼓励的眼神。The coroner gives a look of encouragement to the juror and the accused girl wails.

如果陪审员显然不能保证公正,那么他或她就可能因法律规定的原因被申请回避。If it appears that the juror will be unable to be fair, he or she may be challenged for cause.

情持续关注,明天我和一个同样有志于成为法官的陪审员朋友一起带来使用评测。Stay tuned for tomorrow's usage review, where me and a fellow juror promote ourselves to judges.

当法官要求把纸片交回时,这个男陪审员严辞拒绝,“这是个人私事。”When the judge demanded the note back, the juror refused. "It was, "he said, "a private matter. "

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为了说明一个观点,一名陪审员偷偷将有关庭审的电视报道录像带带入陪审室。To make a point, one juror smuggled into the jury room a videotape of a television account of the trial.

有个人告诉法官,他不想为了当某案件的陪审员,而向公司请假太久。Once there was a juror who told the judge that he didn't want to be away from his job too long serving on a case as a juror.

这种理由的提出可以运用在当询问表明了某个陪审员将很难是公正的时候。For cause dismissals are used when questioning reveals a fact that would make it difficult for the potential juror to be impartial.

年轻的陪审员认出他正是前段时间购买两张牌桌时,被怀疑欺诈的家具商。The new young juror recognises him as a furniture-dealer he suspects of cheating him over the recent purchase of a pair of card tables.

在英国,只有辩护方有权利对候选陪审员提出无因回避请求,拒绝一定数量的陪审员。While in UK, only the defense has the opportunity to make a peremptory challenge to the potential juror and arbitrarily reject a number.

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赛格尔法官在五月份裁决陪审员的姓名应当远离公众的视线,因为博客作者和其他人士会试图在案件审理期间联系陪审员。Zagel in May ruled that juror names would stay out of the public out of concern that bloggers and others would try to contact jurors during the trial.

如果任一陪审员都只拥有部分信息,那么得到半数以上支持的决定比单个陪审员的决定更加接近正确。If each member of a jury has only partial information, the majority decision is more likely to be correct than a decision arrived at by an individual juror.

如果某人对这些问题的回答是肯定的,那么公诉人会进一步提问,以便了解这名陪审员在有了那样的经历后是否仍然会保持公正。If a juror answers yes to these questions, then the prosecutor will ask follow-up questions to find out if the juror can still be fair given his or her experience.