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他们神秘兮兮的眨眨眼。And they wink.

之后,他们对我颇有深意的眨眼。Then they wink at me.

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我对她使了个同意的眼色。I give her a little wink.

他对我使眼色,表示他懂。He gave me a knowing wink.

他向我递了个友好的眼色。He gave me a friendly wink.

汤姆对我使眼色,表示他懂。Tom gave me a knowing wink.

温克先生,请您原谅我。Please forgive me, Mr. Wink.

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你真该打一两个小盹了。You could use a wink or two.

她就是那么眨巴眼的。And that was her way to wink.

大风吹得我直眨眼。The strong wind made me wink.

接着,鬼使神差,我眨了一下眼。And then, God help me, I wink.

可是艾莱柯对这种暗示视而不见。We must not wink at his error.

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我们对这个错误绝不能视而不见。We must not wink at the error.

我们对这个错误决不能睁一眼,闭一眼。We must not wink at this error.

瞬息之间,那颗卫星就消失了。The satellite disappeared in a wink.

感觉温度的闪烁和灵魂的骚动Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit

在喧闹的房间中,四目相投的时候给她眨眼示意。Wink at her from across a crowded room.

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别对我使眼色。戴上你的围裙。Don't wink at me. And put on your apron.

有两个月的时间,他一点也睡不着。He couldn't sleep a wink for two months.

你对他们正在做的事怎么可以睁只眼闭只眼呢?How can you wink at what they are doing?