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装饰或修饰,通常是华美地,耀眼地。To ornament or adorn, often garishly.

鲜艳的塑料花把教堂装扮得很华丽。The temple was garishly decorated with bright plastic flowers.

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这些华丽地染色的甲壳类动物是常用的水族馆贸易。These garishly colored crustaceans are favorites of the aquarium trade.

在这个四处扩张的城市里,各种色彩炫目和印满文字的T恤衫充斥于各种商厦和市场。Garishly colored and linguistically tortured T-shirts abound in the malls and markets of this sprawling city.

在一间装饰豪华的洛杉矶宾馆套房里,约翰尼·丰塔纳象普通的丈夫一样喝得酩酊大醉。In a garishly decorated Los Angeles hotel suite, Johnny Fontane was as jealously drunk as any ordinary husband.

个中因素高的会在背上背一边妆扮繁复的战旗,而最富足的家伙则戴着牙齿穿成的项链公示卖弄。The high rankers among them wear garishly decorated back banners and the richest openly flaunt their wealth by wearing necklaces of teeth.

那些新建的建筑在混凝土外墙上胡乱包一层木板,在上面画些花里胡哨的画,再配上飞檐,就算是对历史的保护了。The concession to history often consists of a few new buildings with upturned eaves and garishly painted timber slapped on concrete facades.

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奇特的海生物图片画廊。雄性孔雀螳螂虾往返海底在巴布亚新几内亚之外。这些华丽地染色的甲壳类动物是常用的水族馆贸易。A male peacock mantis shrimp plies the seafloor off Papua New Guinea. These garishly colored crustaceans are favorites of the aquarium trade.

她喜欢这里的风光,喜欢这里的山峦、峡谷、鲜红的岩石、火红的旷野、令人感到心旷神怡的奇异而美妙的湖泊,甚至连这里酷热的气候她也喜欢。She loved the scenery, the hills and canyons of garishly red rock, the burning deserts, the unexpected and blessedly refreshing lakes, even the heat.

天使总是以各种各样的姿态出现在圣诞节中,从华丽闪亮的塑料形象到圣经中衣着经典的传统形象。Angels are found in various and sundry ways at Christmas-from garishly blinking figures made of plastic to biblically-inspired images dressed in classic garments.

正如我写到的,我可以看到上海商业区里被华丽的霓虹灯照亮的摩天大楼鳞次栉比,相形之下更对照出几乎所有美国大城市商务区的低迷和萧条。As I write, I look out at the garishly neon-lit skyscrapers of downtown Shanghai, which make the business districts of all but the largest American cities seem low-rise and sober by comparison.

在我撰写本文时,眺望窗外,可以看到上海商业区里被华丽的霓虹灯照亮的摩天大楼鳞次栉比,相形之下更对照出几乎所有美国大城市商务区的低迷和萧条。As I write, I look out at the garishly neon-lit skyscrapers of downtown Shanghai, which make the business districts of all but the largest American cities seem low-rise and sober by comparison.