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人口政治学正使得许多巴尔干半岛国家惊慌。Demography is causing alarm in many Balkan countries.

古代沿巴尔干半岛亚德里亚海岸一地区。An ancient region of the Balkan Peninsula on the Adriatic coast.

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CEE证交所可以把一些巴尔干半岛的小国家纳入到它的名单之下。CEESEG could add some of the smaller Balkan countries to its ranks.

期间有人起身即兴表演了一段巴尔干舞蹈,赢得满堂彩。At one point someone gets up and performs an impromptu Balkan dance.

全身或上身赤裸在贫穷的巴尔干半岛国家仍然是被禁止的。Nudity and topless bathing are still taboo in the poor Balkan country.

1415年土耳其入侵,并控制了这个国家。Ottoman Turks advanced into Albania, and took control in the Balkan country in 1415.

回国后,我们又要应对另一场巴尔干战争,不过这次是在科索沃。By the time I returned, we were moving toward another Balkan war, this time in Kosovo.

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多年来,欧盟外长们一直因此事倍受其巴尔干同事责难。For years EU foreign ministers have been berated about this by their Balkan colleagues.

伦敦附近的里市满和法国都有联系,甚至与一个巴尔干国家的小城也有联系。Richmond, near London, has links with Germany and France and even a town in a Balkan country!

这个作品本来要在巴尔干地区展出,而违章建筑是巴尔干地区的热点话题。The work was to be located in the Balkan region where unlicensed construction is a hot issue.

第二次巴尔干战争期间,担任第一骑兵师的作战参谋。During the Second Balkan War he served as chief of the Operations Bureau of the 1st Cavalry Division.

伊比利亚半岛、意大利半岛及巴尔干半岛是欧洲最大的三个半岛。The Iberian Peninsula, the Italian Peninsula, and the Balkan Peninsula are three large peninsulas in Europe.

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布拉默茨定于下月报告对巴尔干国家的努力,以联合国安理会。Brammertz was scheduled to report next month to the U. N. Security Council about the Balkan country's efforts.

此外,受阿瓦尔人扩张的影响,斯拉夫人也开始大量入侵巴尔干半岛,其产生的影响更为深远。Under the influence of Avars, Slaves began invaded the Balkan Peninsula, which resulted more serious influence.

相反,英格兰和塞尔维亚一起进入了半决赛,他们在比赛中2-0战胜了这个巴尔干半岛的国家。Instead, England joined Serbia from Group B in the semi-finals after beating the Balkan nation 2-0 in Nijmengen.

分布于西班牙﹐葡萄牙﹐义大利沿海地区﹐巴尔干半岛﹐印度﹐北欧及美国。Found in Spain, Portugal, along the coastal areas of Italy, Balkan Peninsula, India, Northern Europe, and America.

1980年铁托去世后,国内不断酝酿的种族冲突再次浮现,并最终导致了巴尔干半岛的战争局面。After his death in 1980, simmering ethnic tensions resurfaced, eventually leading to the wars in the Balkan states.

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欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛上一地区,包括今天的希腊、保加利亚和南斯拉夫的部分地区。A region of southeast Europe on the Balkan Peninsula including parts of modern-day Greece, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia.

同时受邀请的有阿尔巴尼亚,克罗地亚和马其顿,这些巴尔干国家渴望着加入北约。Also invited are the leaders of Albania, Croatia and Macedonia -- Balkan countries that aspire to join the alliance.

这其中之一是维尔琴,它可能是10世纪通过巴尔干半岛传到欧洲的。维尔琴和小提琴一样,演奏者持琴时将它抵在肩处。One of these was the vielle, which was probably introduced to Europe through the Balkan Peninsula in the 10th century.