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新屋和非住宅类建筑均对第一季的增长构成了拖累.Both new home and nonresidential construction were a drag on first-quarter growth.

这就是美国国会通过的经济刺激计划开出的数额。S. nonresidential design and construction industry. That's what the stimulus plan amounts to.

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Fulton说,中国买家重要把木材用于非住房目的,比如板条箱和货盘。Mr. Fulton said the Chinese are mostly using wood for nonresidential purposes such as crates and pallets.

然而,非住宅类建筑投资仍旧疲软,房产市场继续承压。However, investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector continues to be depressed.

一年来,非住宅建设一直是总体经济活动的重要支撑力量之一。Over the past year, nonresidential construction has been a significant source of support for the broader economy.

设备及软件支出正在增加,但是增速较年初缓慢,非居住型建筑投资仍旧疲软。Business spending on equipment and software is rising, while investment in nonresidential structures is still weak.

但是,由于基础薄弱和紧张的融资条件,非住宅建筑业的前景不佳。Prospects for nonresidential construction are poor, however, given weak fundamentals and tight financing conditions.

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一年来,非住宅建设各个领域的发展有显著不同。Over the past year, there has been substantial divergence in the fortunes of different sub-sectors of nonresidential construction.

这印证了住宅建筑业正在触底、而非住宅建筑业仍在严重衰退的观点。This is consistent with the story that residential construction activity is bottoming out, but that nonresidential has much further to fall.

非住宅建设用地使用权期间届满后的续期,依照法律规定办理。Renewal of the period of time for the right to the use of land for nonresidential construction shall be handled in accordance with the provisions of law.

商业房地产面临着自身的清算,在2005年底,当住房供给市场开始衰退时,非住宅建筑业沸沸扬扬。Commercial real estate faces its own reckoning. When the housing market began to fade at the end of 2005, it kicked off a boom in nonresidential construction.

非居住用建筑物方面的投资仍处于疲弱态势,而住房部门也仍然低迷不振,然而,在设备及软件方面的企业投资继续增长。Investment in nonresidential structures is still weak, and the housing sector remains depressed. However, business investment in equipment and software continues to expand.

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不过经济复苏仍有明显阻力,包括住宅与非住宅建筑产业的问题,以及许多州政府与市政府的财政困难处境。Significant restraints on the pace of the recovery remain, including weakness in both residential and nonresidential construction and the poor fiscal condition of many state and local governments.

虽然某些领域可能持续走强,但非住宅建设市场总体看来仍将下滑,受到信贷状况显著收紧和总体活动放缓的拖累。Though some sub-sectors might remain strong, the overall nonresidential market looks poised for a downturn as substantially tighter credit condition and slowing overall activity weigh on the sector.