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他看上去就像一个奥运会的短跑选手。He looked like an Olympic sprinter.

他是短跑健将,而不怎么游泳选手。He is more a sprinter than a swimmer.

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对于我来说,这就是一种荣誉。For me it's an honour," the sprinter said.

之后,他成为第一位打破200米20秒的青年短跑选手。He later became the first junior sprinter to break 20 seconds for the 200.

最后,一个短跑运动员,必须对发令枪声能做出迅速的反应。Lastly a sprinter must have a quick reaction time to the firing of the starting gun.

他就像一个短跑选手并且他会在未来的几年里继续米兰的球迷高兴。He was like a sprinter and can continue to delight the Rossoneri fans for years to come.

布路斯握紧了拳头,第一个冲出了场外,就像一名奥林匹克短跑选手。Steve Bruce clenched his fists and headed off down the touchline like an Olympic sprinter.

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辛辛那提动物园道他们动物园中的一只非洲猎豺已经成为世界上最快的百米短跑冠军。The Cincinnati Zoo says one of its cheetahs has become the fastest 100m sprinter in the world.

英国选手卡文迪希赢得代表冲刺王的绿衫。The green jersey competition for the best sprinter was won by the British racer Mark Cavendish.

牙买加短跑运动员博尔特在很短时间里刷新了两项令人敬佩的径赛世界纪录。A Jamaican sprinter has taken a very short time to rewrite two cherished world records on the track.

这位前短跑名将说到她辜负了她的支持者和家人,他们有权利生她的气。The former sprinter said that she had let down her fans and family and that they had the right to be angry.

牙买加选手博尔特在柏林的世锦赛上赢得了第三枚金牌。The Jamaican sprinter Usian Bolt has won his third gold medal at the World Athletics Championships in Berlin.

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就在上个月,英国顶级赛跑选手达文?钱伯斯和其他几名美国选手在变体兴奋剂检测中,结果呈阳性。Just last month, Britain's top sprinter Dwain Chambers and several american athletes tested positive for the drug THG.

短跑运动员尤塞恩尔特以其放松而自信的比赛状态著称,“最伟大的”拳击手穆罕默德里也是这样。Sprinter Usain Bolt is famed for his relaxed and confident approach to performing, as was 'the greatest' boxer Muhammad Ali.

国际奥委会于周日宣布取消希腊短跑运动员卡特里娜萨努参加北京奥运会的资格。Greek sprinter Katerina Thanou was declared ineligible for the Beijing Games on Sunday by the International Olympic Committee.

高等体育法院表示双腿截肢短跑运动员奥斯卡·皮斯托留斯应被允许参加北京奥运会的比赛项目。A top athletic court says sprinter and double amputee Oscar Pistorius must be allowed to compete for a spot in the Beijing Olympics.

但不幸的,短跑选手永远无法逃脱和兴奋剂的关联,让那些用心比赛的人感到沮丧。Unfortunately, the sprinter will never be able to escape and related stimulants , so that those intentions were frustrated the game.

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阿莫乌可以充当前锋的位置,他曾经代表英格兰学校田径比赛中拿到短跑冠军。Amoo, who can also play up front, once represented London as a sprinter in the English Schools National Track and Field Championships.

据悉,上世纪80年代打破女子短跑世界纪录的“花蝴蝶”弗洛伦斯-格丽菲斯-乔伊纳双手蓄甲,上面涂有美国国旗图案,色彩缤纷的美甲艺术才第一次走进人们的视野。Exotic fingernails first came to most people's attention in the 1980s via the world-record breaking sprinter Florence Griffith Joyner.

美国赛跑、跳远选手卡尔·刘易斯一共赢得过10枚奥运奖牌,在田、径两种赛事中都获得过金牌。American sprinter and long jumper Carl Lewis won a total of 10 Olympic medals, which included golds both on the track and in the field.