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神和宗教是幼稚的头脑幻想。God and religion were illusions of the untutored mind.

他只有未经锻炼的力气,像瓷器店里的一头牛。He has only untutored strength, like a bull in a china shop.

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自私源于身体或思想的幼稚和无知。Theselfish comes from the childish and untutored thought and body.

但这个句子是一个完美的例子,米塞斯通过这个例子告诉了我们一些对社会活动幼稚、直觉的看法是完全错误的。But it’s a perfect example of how Mises showed that untutored intuitions about

当众多文盲学习识字时,他们很可能成为未来的报纸读者。As the untutored crowds learn to read, they are likely to reach for a newspaper.

在不明就里的人看来,英国国旗正着和倒着挂没什么不一样。To the untutored eye, the British flag may look like it could be hung either way.

花栗鼠愚蠢的小脑袋里却有天生的对于毒药的恐惧。She has put into the small, unwise head of the chipmunk the untutored fear of poisons.

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在主宰和支配万物的宇宙各种势力面前,一个没有经验的人简直就像风中的弱草。Among the forces which sweep and play throughout the universe, untutored man is but a wisp in the wind.

供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died.

供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies.

他们两个饱受压抑、天真稚气的灵魂,在生命最无助的时刻相遇,却从未建立起一种真正的两性关系。They had met as two highly repressed and untutored virgins of their benighted time, and a true sexual connection never formed.

所以,如果要去统计究竟有多少反文化运动的成员真正理解了禅宗这种难以捉摸的传统,最终的数字恐怕会是一场灾难。So it would be hazardous to say how many members of the untutored counter culture achieved a studied knowledge of this elusive tradition.

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古德赫的命运与“想得太多”并无甚关系,而是与一个无师自通的达拉斯男孩爱在废弃的高尔夫球场和棒球场里独自玩耍有着莫大联系。Guldahl's fate had little to do with overthinking his game, and much to do with the untutored Dallas boy who once loved to play abandoned courses and baseball diamonds alone.

史密斯,这位基恩的替身在指挥比赛上还是显得不够火候,好像如果他在比赛中停下来提醒一下队友就会使他从场上消失一样。Alan Smith, the envisaged successor to Keane, is still too untutored in the role to be commanding, as if pausing to rebuke a team-mate might leave him 10 yards out of position.