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避免拥有第二套房子,你会避免大量的头痛,节约不少的开销。Avoid the second home, and you’ll avoid a truckload of headaches and expenses.

会有人给你送一卡车的鲜花,人们对着你说“你看起来很好,你都做了什么?”Flowers will arrive by the truckload. People will say to you, ”You look great.

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有了孩子就意味着要买很多很多的东西,一卡车的玩具是少不了喽。Having kids means buying lots and lots of stuff, including a truckload of toys.

经销商用航空或者路运的方式将幼犬发到各地。Brokers ship puppies by the crate-load on airlines or by truckload throughout the country.

官方已经禁止出售这些死鱼,而是把他们用货车埋在巴坦加斯省。Officials have banned the sale of the fish which is being buried by the truckload in Batangas Province.

公司成立了一帮的品牌推销者,并吸引了许多消费者的好感。The company has built a following of brand evangelists and is attracting consumer goodwill by the truckload.

我宁愿活着时得到朋友的一朵玫瑰、一句好话,也不愿要死后的一大箩筐。I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here-than a whole truckload when I am gone.

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我宁愿生时拥有玫瑰和朋友温馨的话语----也不愿死时只有成堆的金钱。I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a Friend while I am here ---- than a whole truckload when I am gone.

来自各个省的中国人成车成车地潮水般涌到这个巨大的屏障式奇迹,这里距首都仅仅35英里。Chinese from every province pour in by the truckload to marvel at the colossal barricade, here only 35 miles from the capital.

泥头车司机不得进入填料库,除非他们在营办和拆除阶段时持有有效的倾卸泥土牌照。No truckload drivers shall use the fill bank except those with a valid dumping licence during the operational and removal phases.

负责整车不可恢复的垃圾像泥,人力的浪费建设瓦砾和被弃置的家居废物直接放入坑内,。Charged by the Truckload Unrecoverable rubbish like mud, human waste, building rubble and domestic waste is dumped directly into the pit.

在基伯拉贫民窟附近,美国之音记者亲眼目睹一辆载有大约60名防暴警察的卡车抵达那里,警察然后向聚集在路旁的群众射击。Near Kibera slum, VOA was present when a truckload of about 60 riot police arrived and fired live rounds at a large group that had gathered by the road.

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如果我对媒体放话说,明天有个小混混会被我射杀,或者我要把一卡车的士兵炸飞,没人会惊慌,因为这些都是他们意料中的事。If tomorrow I tell the press that like a gangbanger will get shot or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics. Because it's all part of the plan.

美国人早就该为此派出50个人,配上一些兽医和一卡车食物,他们不应任由任何一只动物死去。"All the Americans would've had to do is drop off 50 men, with a few vets and a truckload of food, and they wouldn't have lost any of the animals, " Anthony says.

考虑到惠普公司不久前才发布了一卡车的新笔记本电脑,最适当的方式是让我们跳上时光机去看看不久之前是什么样子。Considering how HP rolled out a truckload of new notebooks just last week, it's only appropriate that we hop into the wayback machine to see how things were not-so-long ago.

另一个因微博引起快速反应的例子是,上个月,一个北京的司机拦住了满载送往吉林省肉类市场的500条狗的车辆。In another case of a rapid response initiated by weibo postings, a Beijing motorist stopped a truckload of 500 dogs destined for the meat market in Jilin Province last month.

我们准备在1天之内的欧洲时区搞定这个事情。我需要足够多的跳牛因为我们有一卡车的东西要运。We are going to do it here in 1 day on the euro time zone, most likely it is going to be Wednesday, and I need as many as possible because there is a truckload of stuff to move.