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不,但是他们相关。No but they are correlated.

这些能够被导入、分析和关联。These can be imported, analyzed, and correlated.

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目的研究相关高斯雷达杂波的模拟。Aim To simulate correlated Gaussian radar clutters.

肝血瘀阻程度与肝纤维化程度密切相关。Degrees of LBS correlated closely with those of LF.

CF6水平与年龄不相关,无性别差异,与体重指数无关。CF6 level did not correlated to age, gender and BMI.

白介素8水平尚与银屑病皮损程度评分相关。Moreover, the serum level of IL-8 correlated with PASI.

披露资料愈多的公司通常得分愈高。A high level of disclosure correlated with a high score.

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HPE与染色体异常高度相关。HPE is highly correlated with chromosomal abnormalities.

妊娠晚期FS水平变化与FE3水平变化呈正相关。Level of FS was positively correlated with level of FE3.

血清MMP2与左心房直径呈正相关。MMP2 was correlated positively to left atrial dimension.

余差可以与辐射输入数相关。The residues may be correlated with the radiations input.

角质率与出粉率呈极显著正相关。Cutin rate is marked positive correlated with flour yield.

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平均薪俸与教育时间之长短有互相的关联。The average salary is correlated with length of education.

作为一种空气污染物,二氧化氮具有几个相关联的活动As an air pollutant, NO2 has several correlated activities.

血瘦素水平与ISI值呈显著负相关。The plasma leptin level was negatively correlated with ISI.

外周血LAA与肺组织MPO含量呈正相关。Blood LAA was positively correlated with tissue MPO content.

门静脉压力与血浆ET、肝组织ET呈正相关。The FPP was positively correlated with serum and hepatic ET.

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叶面积与根长呈极显著的正相关。The leaf area is correlated positively with the root -length.

鼓粒期干物重与籽粒产量呈显著正相关。Dry matter weight of fulling period was correlated with yield.

MVQ与患者性别、年龄及肿瘤生长部位无关。MVQ was not correlated to patient age, sex and tumor location.