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事实证明你说的是有根据的The facts substantiated your statement.

医学上没有证据表明,这实际上是一种自免疫系统疾病。It has never been substantiated that MS is in fact an autoimmune disease.

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经出血情况观察,证实均为抗凝血灭鼠剂所致。The bleeding symptom substantiated that the death due to anticoagulant rodenticide.

上述对亲王的种种断言及风言风语都没有得到证实。None of the claims about the Prince were ever proven and no rumours were substantiated.

最后,通过公路网综合水平评价的实例说明了该方法的合理性和有效性。Last, the validity and practicability are substantiated with an example of road net evaluation.

同时,一个证实光样宋七力先生的外表,从这哭泣女子的胸前走出来。At the same time, a substantiated light aspect of Mr. Sung Chi Li walked right out of this crying lady's chest.

通过进一步调查客户机的功能性需求和使用模式,确定用户分类。We substantiated this segmentation by taking a closer look at the clients' functional needs and usage patterns.

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PR8违反客户隐私及遗失客户资料的申诉案总数。PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data.

他们说,据经过证实的报导说,发生了杀戮、酷刑和其他虐待行为。They say there are substantiated reports of the killings, as well as instances of torture and other mistreatment.

每一期通常包括3个独立的调查,调查内容是能否证明某个特定的“都市流言”。Each episode typically includes three separate investigations into whether certain “urban myths” can be substantiated.

“可你讲的真理却是只有生物学才能充分证明的,”马丁坚持,对方却茫然地瞪了他一眼。"But you are stating truths that are substantiated only by biology," Martin insisted, and was rewarded by a blank stare.

对于委员会法规中涉及的健康声明,欧洲食品安全局做出结论,其不能按科学的方法证明。For the health claim referred to in the Commission Regulation, EFSA concluded that it was not scientifically substantiated.

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整个澳大利亚还会有2万儿童成为与饮酒有关虐待儿童的受害者。There would also be 20, 000 children across Australia who would become victims of substantiated alcohol-related child abuse.

在中国,桃作为一园艺树种,其历史远比任何其它已知的地区都早。The history of the peach as a garden crop in China far antedates any claim that can be substantiated for other geographic areas.

你认为「新制」的「实任制」所提供的工作保障与「旧制」是否不同?Do you believe there is any difference between the job security provided by a "substantiated" contract before and after the NPRS?

通过实践验证了在高校共青团中应用组织设计原理的有效性。The validity of using principle of organization design at the CYL of Colleges and Universities was substantiated by our practice.

关于潜意识干扰梦境的理念也极具说服力并且是经心理学证实的。The idea that your subconscious would interfere with the dream you create is rather convincing and is physiologically substantiated.

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中国大陆政府不予受理决定书,证据证明属实中国大陆政策,法律,政府,法院是假的。China's government decision is inadmissible, the evidence substantiated mainland China policy, legal, government, the court was false.

大脑中被认作为“脑下丘”的那部分对性取向的决定有影响的主张已经被证实。Claims that the part of the brain known as the hypothalamus is influential in determining sexual orientation, have yet to be substantiated.

在没有充分证据的情况下,海外媒体经常将中国描绘成对欧美进行网络攻击的罪犯。Without substantiated evidence, it is oftendepicted by overseas media as the culprit for cyberattacks on the US and Europe, "the paper said.