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感谢您抽出时间接受我们的采访。Thanks Noma Bar for taking the time to talk us.

Noma家庭是这整个系列中最宽敞最大的部分。Family Noma is spacious and largest of all the series.

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野间说,“这是促进人的心灵得到创造性和创新性。”Noma wrote, "It fosters one's mind to be creative and innovative."

公司最新设计的水上房子是Noma系列,这个系列包括三个最新的游艇模式。The latest line of the floating houses from the company is Noma series, which include three new houseboat models.

这道菜是为了一场欢迎宴会研制的,来宾乃哥本哈根Noma饭店主厨勒内·雷哲皮。It was in development for a “Welcome to New York” dinner they were planning for René Redzepi, the chef at Noma in Copenhagen.

雷哲毕和他的厨师们在诺玛餐厅的厨房里忙碌着,位于照片前景的两位厨师正在准备鞑靼牛排Mr. Redzepi among his cooks in the densely staffed Noma kitchen. The two cooks in the foreground are preparing a steak tartare dish.

菲律宾野间同意该奖项计划,以艺术教育为数学和科学的重要执行董事。Noma of the Philippines agreed with the executive director of the awards program that art education was as important as math and science.

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过去三年来,在哥本哈根风景如画的海滨,诺玛餐厅一直被奉为全世界最佳餐馆。Tables at Noma on Copenhagen's picturesque harbour front are highly prized after it won the award for the world's best restaurant three years running.

丹麦食物安全机构称诺玛餐厅未能在顾客投诉后及时应对,马尔科姆·布兰巴特在哥本哈根报道。The Danish food safety agency said the restaurant Noma had failed to act quickly enough after customer complained. From Copenhagen, here's Malcolm Brabant.

它适用于甲状腺髓样癌、分化性甲状腺癌及部分甲状腺微小癌,而对未分化癌是否有必要尚有争议。MRND is suitable for medullary cancer, differentiated cancer and some microcarci noma of thyroid, but MRND for undifferentiated thyroid cancer is controversial.

餐馆得到清理和改善厨房食物处理办法的命令,诺玛因使用产自当地的诺玛配料而享有国际特色。It's been told to clean up and to improve its handling of food in the kitchen. Noma earned international distinction by its use of locally sourced Nordic ingredients.

这方面的一个新宣布的换发,津巴布韦经典,既赢得了津巴布韦图书出版商协会文学一等奖,并在非洲的野间奖在1989年出版。A reissue of this proclaimed novel, and Zimbabwean classic, that won both the Zimbabwe Book Publishers' Association first prize for literature, and the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa in 1989.