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士兵们已经把这两座豪华酒店包围起来。Soldiers have ringed the hotels.

花园周围修有篱笆。The garden was ringed with fence.

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老式的石库门房子。It is a house with stone- ringed door.

环斑海豹通常在洞穴的底部生育。Ringed seal pups are reared in snow dens.

蓝环章鱼很小很漂亮。The blue ringed octopus is tiny and beautiful.

一条全文只有一个段落的消息被用红铅笔勾出来了。A single-paragraph item was ringed in red crayon.

那名年轻歌星被兴奋的少女们团团围住。The young singer was ringed about with excited girls.

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这座古刹四面环山。The ancient Buddhist temple is ringed around with hills.

敏捷的灵猫,有带斑点的皮毛和圈状的长尾巴。Agile viverrine have a spotted coat and long ringed tail.

她用红笔把年历上的重要日期都圈了起来。She had ringed the important dates on her calendar in red.

北京有为精英们服务的水需求量巨大的高尔夫球场。Beijing is ringed with water-hungry golf courses for the elite.

昨天抓的那只山鸡怎么不会叫的。How to will not call that ringed pheasant grasped yesterday of.

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北极熊猎食住在北极冰层下的环斑海豹。Polar bears hunt ringed seals, which live under the Arctic ice.

卡西尼号的4年任务是探索这个环状星球。Cassini was on a four-year mission to explore the ringed planet.

在回到我们可以看到边缘将获得新的,铬环尾灯。In back we can see the Edge will get new, chrome- ringed taillights.

环纹海豹用它们的锋利的爪子在冰层里做呼吸孔。Ringed seals use their sharp claws to make breathing holes in the ice.

不过目前,他们还只能从用金属栏杆围起来等候区入场。For now, they are herded into a waiting area ringed with metal barriers.

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里面我发现了两个半英寸麦克风黑色泡沫环状胶囊。Inside I found two half-inch microphone capsules ringed with black foam.

伊朗觉得,自己受到头号敌人美国的势力包围,所以伊朗执政者殷殷切切想获取核子能力。Iran feels ringed by the forces of what it sees as its main enemy—America.

赋环空间是几何函数论的最新发展。The ringed space is a recent development of the geometric function theory.