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违者将被开除。Violator will be dismissed.

他受到破坏协定的指责。He was stigmatized as a violator of the agreement.

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违法者必须执行监禁判决。The prison sentence must be served by the violator.

但到了1980年以色列是违反武器禁运的最后一个主要国家。But by 1980 Israel was the last major violator of the arms embargo.

在我们的中国,政府往往是最大的侵权者。In China, our government is often the biggest violator of people's rights.

违者将依法予以取缔,停止运营。Any violator shall be banned according to law and its operations shall be stopped.

禁止携带危险玩具、武器或毒品来校,违者开除。Dangerous toys, weapons, and narcotic drugs are prohibited on campus. Violator will be.

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他指着他身后的指挥棒,转过身来面对着违规者。He pointed his baton behind him, then spun around to confront the violator. A sharp whistle.

禁止携带危险玩具、武器或毒品来校,违者开除。Dangerous toys, weapons, and narcotic drugs are prohibited on campus. Violator will be dismissed.

违者,港务监督部门不予以受理船舶人出境手续。The harbor superintendence departments shall not accept the ship exit formalities of any violator.

如有违反将按有关规定给予处理。In the case where violation occurs, the violator shall be duely executed according to related rules.

例如,赛跑比赛的偷跑者可能会受到鞭笞的惩罚。For example, a false start of a running event might have been followed by a whipping of the violator.

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负责对违法者追究法律责任,依法给予行政处罚。To be in charge of tracing legal responsibility of violator and paying the administrative punishment.

最大的恶棍,极其严重地违犯社会法律的人,也不会全然丧失同情心。The greatest ruffian, the most hardened violator of the laws of society, is not altogether without it.

在你叫违规者到你的巡逻车上时,让他只带上驾驶证。When you call the violator back to your patrol car, ask him to bring the driver's license only please.

对少数违犯行为,当它涉及到公共利益时,EPA可能给予违犯者书面的警告。For minor violations, when it is in the public interest, the EPA may simply give a written warning to the violator.

留学生之间应友好相处。严格禁止一切暴力行为!违规者将受到校规和法律的惩罚。Students should be friendly to others. Violence is strictly forbidden! Violator will be punished according to the university rules and the law.

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道路交通违法行为人应当在十五日内到公安机关交通管理部门接受处理。The road traffic law violator shall, within 15 days, go to the traffic administrative department of the public security organ to accept the penalty.

第一百三十一条违反本法规定,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。Article 131 Where a violation of the provisions of this Law constitutes a crime, the violator shall be investigated for criminal liability according to law.

在对非法贩卖毒品犯罪嫌疑人进行控诉时,调查官员和法官都推定违法者知道行为的违法性。In the investigations of narcotics traffickers, the investigator and the judge assume that the violator is aware of the illegality of narcotics trafficking.