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业务进展情况暂未更新。No update on progress.

这是一个重要更新。This is a major update.

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升级你的防毒软件。Update your virus scan.

你是否已经有了这项更新呢?Do you have the update yet?

面板然后将更新。The panel will then update.

更新更多的正妹照片。Update more photos of girl.

我每天都更新这个文档。I update this doc every day.

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你认为这个更新的内容有用吗?Do you find this update useful?

下一年标准成本制定。Update Std. cost for next year.

无法解压缩更新软件包。Unable to unpack update package.

现在,我将增订关于他的。And now, I will update about him.

查询或更新数据库。Interrogate or update a database.

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频繁地向高层汇报情况。Update top executives frequently.

您可以添加或更新这些预设置。You can add or update the presets.

我觉得你需要改改你的简历了。I think you need to update your CV.

只有到那时,屏幕才作出更新。Only then should the screen update.

好,谢谢奥利维亚为我们带来的最新报道。Well, thanks for the update Olivia.

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那是60年代一部老影片的更新版。It's an update of an old 60's movie.

更新你的简历和求职信。Update your resume and cover letter.

不要急于更新你的简历,重新读读它。Don't update your resume, rewrite it.