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他们的第二个儿子是个侏儒。Their second son is a midget.

把矮人的锤子没收了。Took hammer away from midget.

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我不知道现在该去找的是巨人还是侏儒。I don't know whether to look for a giant or a midget.

我感到自己就好像在和一个四十四岁的中年人交谈一样。It's like talking to a 44-year-old midget from where I stand.

我们寻找汤普森葡萄干小侏儒制造商。We search for manufacturers of raisin a grade Thompson mini midget.

提出一种由小型民用雷达实现的桥梁防撞系统。This paper presented a bridgecollisionavoidance system using a midget civil radar.

那就像是叫你水平跨过一个身高5尺的侏儒,以前叫做侏儒需要冷静。That just-skimming-the-5-foot-tall-horizon, formerly known as midget needs to calm down.

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“提尔古茨”号战列舰由于我们小型潜艇发动的大胆而英勇的袭击而丧失了战斗力。The Tirpitz had been disabled by the audacious and heroic attack of our midget submarines.

在供热系统中的蒸汽主管线和小型加热设备是最理想的疏水阀之一。It is one of the most ideal traps in boiler system steam tracing and midget heating system.

这个男孩是那六个中打得最棒的,他个头虽然不高,但瘦长的四肢已使他羞怯中显出几分自如。This boy, still midget but already diffident with a kind of rangy ease, is the best of the six.

中国在世界经济舞台上可能是一个巨人,但在金融领域却仍是一个矮子。China may be an economic giant on the world stage, but in this sense it will remain a financial midget.

举例来说,很多女孩子都会说她们不喜欢个子矮的男孩子,而与此同时却和一个小个子交往过。For example, girls will say all the time that they aren’t attracted to short guys and end up dating a midget.

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福尔摩斯、华生和雷斯崔德警长发现布莱克伍德的棺材内躺着的正是红头发侏儒Reordan。Holmes, Watson, and police Inspector Lestrade find Blackwood's coffin contains the body of the red-haired midget.

我终于反应过来往柜台外看了看,一位侏儒女士一直站在那里。I finally looked over the counter where there was a lady who had been standing there the whole time. She was a midget.

如果他向那个鼻涕虫小矮子妥协哪怕一次,他就会被“罗尼,做这个”和“罗尼,做那个”的命令困扰一辈子。If he gave in to the little mucous midget even once, he would be asking for a lifetime of “Ronnie, do this” and “Ronnie, do that.

莉莎穿着长裙,戴着女佣人的布帽,显得那么矮小,虽说开始雇用的时候,她一口咬定她早就过十岁了。Such a midget she looked in her long skirt and maid's cap, though she had sworn, when engaged, that she would never see ten again.

新男伴也许既没有多大的能力养家糊口,也不像阿诺德•斯瓦辛格那样身强体健,但这种嫉妒心确实和身高已经联系不起来。The new man could be a midget on life support or Arnold Schwarzenegger and it really wouldn't make a difference to jealousy levels.

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哪个孩子不知道勇敢的水手格列佛周游各地,一会儿变成巨人,一会儿又变成小小人儿的故事呢?What child does not know the story of the brave sailor Gulliver as he travels through lands in which he is at turn both a giant and a midget?

哪个孩子不知道勇敢的水手格列佛周游各地,一会儿变成巨人,一会儿又变成小小人儿的故事呢?What child does not know the story of the brave sailor Gulliver as the travels through lands in which he is at turn both a giant and a midget?

但对于小型仪器、仪表那样的结构,由于传感元件小型化的限制,其隔振效果的检测,还没有理想的测试手段。But for midget structure such as aircraft instruments, to detect their effects of vibration isolation, there have been no ideal measuring means.