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但这也许会招致一场喧嚣。However, it might cause a clamor.

辩论被反对方的一声叫喊打断。The debate was interrupted by a clamor of opposition.

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人走进吵闹的人群,是为了掩没他自己无声的轰鸣。Man goes into the noisy crowd to drown his own clamor of silence.

我们的声音被淹没在大众的吵闹和喧哗之中。Our voices are simply drowned out in the general tumult and clamor.

千万不要忘了你敌人的喧嚣,和反抗你的人们不断的狂叫。Do not forget the clamor of your foes, the continuous uproar of your enemies.

众口铄金、一言九鼎为公司赢得了较高的占有率。Public clamor can melt metals, authoritative, the company has won a high share.

在一天上了五节课之后,你的脑子里只会装满教室里的喧嚣。After a day of five classes your head is filled with the clamor of the classroom.

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他刚一动弹,鸥群中就嘎嘎、嘎嘎地嚷起来。There was a great clamor of squawks and screes from the crowd when first he moved.

接着,宁静回响着悲伤的哀鸣,为死寂的宇宙敲响了丧钟。Silence resounds then with the mournful clamor of bells knelling for a dead universe.

当一个人的某一感官受到阻碍,我们的其他感官将通过大脑进行补偿。When one sense ishindered, our other senses -- via the brain -- clamor to compensate.

的确有过那么一小撮战争贩子曾经发出过如此猖狂的战争叫嚣。There used to be indeed a handful of warmongers who had ever made such wild war clamor.

然而,在这没有大呼小叫的灾难,没有像期待的那样的混乱。Nevertheless, there is none of the clamor of disaster, none of the chaos one might expect.

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一位老公公的儿子刚结婚的第二天,老公公就闹着要分家,问他为什么?The second day the son of an old man just got married, her husband will clamor to break up, ask him why?

在她的国家,大部分学生往往进入该教堂山北卡罗来纳大学叫嚣。In her state, students most often clamor for admission to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

虽然在国外闹得沸沸扬扬,但该组织在国内的影响已经几乎看不到了。In contrast to the clamor it has caused abroad, the organization's influence is almost indiscernible in China.

在这里,革命成了以所谓宏大的集体意志剥夺人性化吁求的借口。Here, the revolution has become the collective will of the so-called grand denial of human clamor for an excuse.

那口钟在黑暗中狂敲猛击,传送着绝望的哀号,再没有比这更悲凉的了。Nothing could be more blood- curdling than the clamor of that wild and desperate bell, wailing amid the shadows.

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一时间,种种疑问令PPG资金链断裂的传闻甚嚣尘上。For a short while, a variety of doubt make the hearsay cause a temporary clamor that PPG capital catenary ruptures.

如果真的是这样,银行及其投资者肯定会鼓噪着解除这些“明显繁重”的监管法。As that happens, the banks and their investors will undoubtedly clamor for relief from “overly burdensome” regulation.

艾得没有喧闹来引起注意,而快乐地忽略那个偷他长裤的、令人难堪的小偷,爬进被窝里。Never one to clamor for attention, Ed was happy to ignore the embarrassing theft of his pants and just climb into bed.