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他是我们的支部书记。He is secretary of our branch.

国内安全部长。Secretary of Homeland Security.

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李先生任党委书记兼市长。Mr Li is Party secretary and major.

他是团支部书记。He's secretary of the League branch.

他用速记法记笔记。The secretary made notes in shorthand.

我还任命了鲍勃.赖克为劳工部长。I also named Bob Reich labor secretary.

我的美术总是丢三落四。My secretary is constantly losing things.

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1844年,卡尔霍恩出任国务卿。In 1844 Calhoun became Secretary of State.

阿恩诺•邓肯是美国教育部部长。ARNE DUNCAN is U.S. Secretary of Education.

他不过是党支部书记的跟屁虫。He is just a flunky of the Party secretary.

我是巴东县委书记陈行甲。I Badong county party secretary Chen row A.

对教育部长迪克.赖利来说,这是非常美好的一天。It was a good day for Secretary Dick Riley.

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国务卿也会在场。The Secretary of State might well be there.

我已经写信给英国内政大臣那里去询问。I have written to the home secretary to ask.

请跟我文秘定个见面时间。Please make an appointment with my secretary.

我们选举他为党支部书记。We elected him secretary of the Party branch.

助理国务卿罗斯·高特莫勒Assistant Secretary of State Rose Gottemoeller

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海伊国务卿拒绝等待他们的行动。Secretary Hay refused to wait for them to act.

第二天,我见到了他们县委书记。The next day, I saw them county wei secretary.

林薇冲动地去找支部书记理论。Linwei impulse to find branch secretary theory.