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他驱马向前。He spurred his horse forward.

他驱马穿过了泥沼。He spurred on through the mud.

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我用踢马刺策马,跑开了。I spurred his horse and run away.

骑兵们用踢马刺驱马前进。The cavalry spurred their horses on.

他受人唆使打碎了我的窗子。He was spurred on to break my window.

好马无需用鞭抽。A good horse should be seldom spurred.

他催马快跑,以便赶上最后一班收信时间。He spurred his horse to catch the last post.

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骑马者朝目的地疾驰而去。The rider spurred forward to his destination.

是什么原因突然让他说起葡萄酸来了?What spurred this sudden bout of sour grapes?

教练激励他的选手们奋力拼搏。The coach spurred his players to fight harder.

叶基部无梗,很少近无柄,距。Leaf base sessile, rarely sub sessile, spurred.

史蒂夫的痛苦刺激着我去找寻解决难题的方法。Stevie’s suffering spurred me to find a way to help.

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这个由BBC赞助的活动确实刺激了图书的销售。The BBC-sponsored event definitely spurred book sales.

Ngoc的被杀促使首尔迅速启动了改革。In Seoul, Ngoc's murder has spurred a flurry of reform.

符瑞德利克眸子里的一滴眼泪,激励我继续说下去。A tear in the eye of Friederike spurred me on to continue.

在他比赛失利时,他受到来自他朋友的鼓励。He was spurred on by his friends when he failed the match.

答案就是脆米饼、奶油松糕和啤酒。Well, it spurred Rice Krispies, Twinkies and the beer can.

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这也促使阿迪契说明自己选择沉默的原因。This spurred Adichie to explain why she chose to keep quiet.

策马回奔,像个疯子似的狂奔,仰天咆哮、咀咒。Back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.

策马回身,他像疯子一样,朝着天空骇人地诅咒着。And back, he spurred like a madman, shrieking a curse to the sky.