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明天你需要一个护花使者吗?Do you need a protector tomorrow?

马达附有过负荷保护装置。Motor comes with overload protector.

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捕手的护胸能减轻球的冲力。The catcher's chest protector cushions the blow.

储存选用的列印墨匣与护套。Store the optional print cartridge and protector.

庄先生,你已经沦落到要一个女孩子来保护你了吗?Mr. zhuang, you want a "girl" to be your protector?

我要你在我死后当罗马的执行官。I want you do become the Protector of Rome after I die.

可惜,这时的他已经是我下属的护花护者。Unfortunately, he is my subordinate guardian protector.

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我们不知道你还有一个兄弟啊,护国公陛下。We were unaware that you had a Brother, Lord Protector.

海德里希被任命为波希米亚和摩拉维亚的保护者。Heydrich was appointed Protector of Bohemia and Moravia.

冬天保护腰不受冷是最好的护具。Waist to protect from winter cold is the best protector.

藏历的每月第29日是供护法日。The Tibetan 29th is the day for the protector kangso rite.

最好的润唇膏我尝试和极好的价格。The best lip protector I've tried and at a terrific price.

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守门员须身着护胸和面罩。The goalkeeper must wear a chest protector and a face mask.

短短的几天乌拉就成了我的朋友和凶猛的保护人。In a few short days Woola was my friend and fierce protector.

此种情况我们推荐使用派斯特镲片保养剂。In this case we recommend the use of Paiste Cymbal Protector.

当他在工作时他为什么需要戴上护耳罩?Why does he need to wear the ear protector when he is working?

高跟鞋的后跟再也不会陷进草坪或者陷进地面上的任何细缝。Never sink into the grass again with SoleMates heel protector cap.

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真主使谁迷误,在真主的弃绝后,谁没有任何保护者。For any whom Allah leaves astray, there is no protector thereafter.

仅有小圆是我们唯一的庇护与保护者。There is only the kaname madoka, and she is our shield and protector.

电机过热时,热保护器将会中断电流。Thermal protector in motor will interrupt current when motor overheats.