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这种举止行为不可能认真勤奋地工作。This behaviour is not conducive to hard work.

一些无关紧要,但有利于愉悦和舒适。Something inessential but conducive to pleasure and comfort.

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数采房逃生门开关不灵活,不利于逃生。SAS cabin escape door switch is rust not conducive to escape.

“该系统非常有利于大规模生产,”奥斯本说。The system is very conducive to mass production, " said Osborn ."

拥挤的专业的时尚生活是不利于高雅。A packed professional lifestyle is not conducive to an elegant one.

对当时的事情最有利的任何工具,我都使用。I use whatever tools that are most conducive at that point in time.

可为增产节约、增收节支提供途径。It is conducive to increasing production and practising strict economy.

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此时不适合作成外在调解,协商也不会成功。It is not conducive to outer reconciliations or successful negotiations.

但昨日哥本哈根的气氛似乎不利于各方达成妥协。But the mood in Copenhagen yesterday did not seem conducive to compromise.

谈心活动有助于思想问题的解决。Heart-to-heart chats are conducive to the solution of ideological problems.

低温洗发才有利于头发毛鳞片的闭合。Low temperature shampoo is conducive to head the closing of the wool scale.

小组的课程和班车旅行对于交接新人颇有指导意义。The group classes and bus trips were quite conducive to meeting new people.

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暴饮暴食是绝对减不了肥的,也是不利于健康的。Over-eating is absolutely do not reduce fat, also is not conducive to health.

请您为我提供宝贵意见,我想将有助于我作出最后决定。Please render me some valuable advice which is conducive to my final decision.

如果数据布局支持重用,则可以通过使用子表单实现重用。Reuse can be possible by using subforms if the data layout is conducive to it.

第五,NMD不利于亚太地区的和平与安全。Fifthly, NMD is not conducive to peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.

晚上居室内放有仙人掌,就可以补充氧气,利于睡眠。Bedroom at night putting up a cactus to be added oxygen, and conducive to sleep.

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以上所以优点有益于她们得自我完善和自我实现。All the above merits are conducive to their self-betterment and self-realization.

健美操运动技能可以促进艺术体操徒手动作运动技能的形成。Artistic skills conducive to the formation of Rhythmic Gymnastics unarmed skills.

健美操运动技能可以促进艺术体操器械动作运动技能的形成。Artistic skills conducive to the formation of Rhythmic Gymnastics apparatus skills.