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方法应用活动翼矫治器对588例错畸形病例进行矫治。Methods 588 cases of malocclusion were treated with Active-wing Appliance.

大鼠错可能需要访问兽医的牙齿时,他们的牙齿修整成为太长。Rats with malocclusion may need to visit a vet for tooth trimming when their teeth become too long.

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目的研究青少年错畸形的严重程度和治疗的迫切性。Objective\ To evaluate the prevalence of malocclusion and orthodontic treatment priority in adolescent.

目的研究替牙期假性安氏III类错的牙颌特征,为早期诊断提供依据。Objective To find the dentoskeletal characteristics of pseudo Class III malocclusion in mixed dentition.

它可能造成母亲哺乳困难、小孩说话不清楚、不正咬合、牙龈萎缩。It was referred to possible breastfeeding difficulties, speech problem, malocclusion and gingival recession.

结论在矫治各类错畸形过程中,合理地应用片段弓矫治技术可取得事半功倍的疗效。Conclusion It is benefit for correcting of many kinds malocclusion to use segmental technique in one or some stages.

了解厦门地区聋哑学生错畸形的患病情况及相关因素。To investigate the prevalence rate and the related factors of the deaf-mute student's malocclusion in Xiamen, China.

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从本质上讲,第二磨牙错牙合是拥挤的表现,主要在磨牙区。The real cause for the second molars malocclusion is the crowding and it happens in the posterior region of dentitions.

目的探讨青少年下颌后缩型安氏Ⅱ1类错者髁突运动轨迹的特征及其与正常者的差异。Objective To discuss the characteristic of condylar movement of adolescent AngleⅡ1 malocclusion with mandibular retrusion.

目的了解藏族学生错牙合畸形患病的基本资料,为当地防治该病提供依据。Objective To know the prevalence of malocclusion disease among Tibetan students, and to provide evidence for the preventions.

恒牙萌出的情况不仅能反映生长发育的状况,而且随着恒牙萌出数的增多,错牙合畸形的发生率也随之增高。We also demonstrated that the incidence of malocclusion increased with the increase of the numbers of erupted permanent teeth.

对自然头位下头颅侧位片的分析可以使对错邪畸形患者的诊断分析更为全面。The analysis based on lateral cephalometric radiographs in natural head position could make the diagnosis of malocclusion more reasonable.

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在临床上,我们常常可以见到因为颚间牙齿大小的差异,导致牙齿排列不整齐的病人和异常的咬合。In clinic, we often can find out many patients who have teeth irregularly and malocclusion caused by intermaxillary tooth size discrepancy.

目的探讨影响义齿修复的局部错的正畸治疗。Objective To evaluate the effects of local appliance to prosthodontic patients with local malocclusion which impaired prosthodontic treatment.

目的讨论正常者与错者在下颌极限运动时、咀嚼运动及磨牙时,髁突在矢状向与水平向移动的运动轨迹。Objective To discuss the movement path of condylar limit movement in sagittal plane and horizontal plane between the normal occlusion and malocclusion.

结论双期矫治对下颌后缩的错颌有明显疗效,能获得较好的软组织侧貌。Conclusions To use two phase correction method canobtain evident curative effects and better side face of soft tissue for jaw bone backwards malocclusion.

异常咬合曾被认为是主要的致病因之一,近来研究显示咬合异常与颞颚结构疾患的关系并非如此。Malocclusion has been historically viewed as a major etiologic factor. Nevertheless, the concept now proves not to be fully supported by current research studies.

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华南地区安氏II类错合比较多见,复杂的安氏II类错河也常常使正畸医生面临巨大的挑战。Class II malocclusion is more common in Southern China than any other provinces in China, and complex class II may also be among those big challenges facing orthodontists.

目的比较安氏III类错伴下颌偏斜患者髁突的位置与安氏I类患者髁突位置的差异。Objective To investigate if condylar position in children with Class III malocclusion and mandible deviation was different from that found in children with Class I malocclusion.