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咪咪这个名字很好听。Mimi is a nice name.

我的猫叫咪咪。My cat’s name is Mimi.

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米米小屋装潢得还不错。Mimi cabin decor quite well.

哦,咪咪在偷吃我的巧克力。Oh, Mimi is eating my chocolate.

当然可以,咪咪我能为你做什么?Sure, Mimi. What can I do for you?

这只猫应该有个名字。叫咪咪怎么样?This cat should have a name. How about Mimi?

王老师正在笑咪咪的的“坐山观虎斗”。Teacher wang is smile Mimi "will sit quietly."

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我和姐姐Mimi在很多方面大相径庭。My sister Mimi and I are opposite in many ways.

这个梦想成就了里米尼的“微缩意大利”公园。The dream made the "mimi Italy" park in Rimini.

眯眯和米奇很早起床。他们看见一只鸟。Mimi and Micky get up very early. They see a bird.

咪咪阿姨给小雅讲述了曾经发生的故事。Aunt Mimi to lesser tells the story of what happened.

米米和她的家人前往突尼斯与父亲团聚。Mimi and her family went off to Tunisia to rejoin her father.

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“咪咪”除了四足和鼻子是白的,其余都是黑的。Mimi is black all over except her four feet and a small nose.

石拉让咪咪借机接近伟安,帮他来完成自己的计划。Stone let Mimi to near wei Ann, to help him to finish her plan.

我姥姥家有一只活泼、可爱的小猫,它的名字叫咪咪。My grandma has a lively family, cute kitten, whose name is Mimi.

然后会有些人问咪咪她是否记得大屠杀。Then there are those who asked if Mimi remembered the Holocaust.

卢伊萨奉梅南之命来咪咪家参与游泳派对。South SaFengMei rugh in the life to come to Mimi home swim party.

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米米已不再为苏姗拒绝接受这份工作的事生气了。Mimi had gotten over her pique at Susan's refusal to accept the job.

何勇,咪咪盖茨,汪班,刘剑霞在哥伦比亚大学。Yong He , Mimi Gates , Ban Wang, Jianxia Liu in Columbia university.

她决定,如果米米忘记了这个承诺,她就提醒她。She resolved that, if Mimi forgot this promise, she would remind her.