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他有张鹅蛋脸。He has an oval face.

灰色椭圆形是小型飞船。The gray oval is a blimp.

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叶呈椭圆形。The leaf is oval in shape.

我妹妹有一张鹅蛋形的脸。My sister's got an oval face.

一圆形或椭圆形的装饰窗。A round or oval dormer window.

眼眶颜色黑,呈卵形。Rims are black, oval in shape.

十子头销变成椭圆了。The crosshead pin becomes oval.

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去打开在沙发上的椭圆型的盒子。Go and open the oval box on the sofa.

椭圆的另一个名字叫“卵形的”。Another name foran ellipse is an oval.

美国总统的椭圆形办公室现在已面貌一新。The Oval Office has gotten a makeover.

通常的室内田径场是一个400米长的椭圆。A typical outdoor track is a400 m oval.

叶倒卵形或倒卵状长椭圆形。Oval leaves down or reversing -40-oval.

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他有一张椭圆形脸和一个鹰钩鼻。He has got an oval face and a booked nose.

孢子呈椭圆形,表面呈不规则突起、疣状。The spore is oval and has a warty surface.

高温下无畸形,椭圆型果。High temperatures, no deformity, oval fruit.

汤盘是右边最前边那个奶壶下面那个圆形的。The 2 oval plates on the right of the picture.

你的办公室就在他的隔壁吗?Was your office right next to the Oval Office?

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但是有些鹅蛋脸从一边看上去越看越长。However, some oval faces tend to be on thelong side.

画一个椭圆形插着个棍就认为是手。An oval with a stick does the job of a pointing hand.

但是有些鹅蛋脸从一边看上去越看越长。However, some oval faces tend to be on the long side.