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他小心翼翼地走过那腐烂的地板。He walked gingerly over the rotten floorboard.

介绍了一种新型的复合地板胶。A new compound floorboard adhesive was introduced.

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一道影子从墙上飘闪而过,地板发出吱吱的响声。A shadow moves across the wall. A floorboard creaks.

那就像有人把聘用你家的地板。It's like hiring someone to put a floorboard in your house.

结果调查发现危害木地板、木制品的害虫为裸蛛甲。Results The pests in floorboard were globose spider beetle.

该平台是城市热点无线产品的总称。This platform is urban heat the floorboard of wireless product.

中药是我国传统药物的总称。Chinese traditional medicine is floorboard of the traditional medicine.

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我们开车经过一群动私刑的暴民,我们把脸紧紧贴在车底板。We drove through a lynch mob, pressed our faces against the floorboard.

制导系统是导引系统和控制系统的总称。Control & guide system is the floorboard of the guide system and control system.

史高丽挂上电话,她听到了地板吱吱作响于是往门口走。SCULLY hangs up the phone, then turns toward the door as she hears a creaking floorboard.

我伸手到后排座位后的车地板上抓起一个大手电筒。I reached around the back seat and grabbed onto a large flashlight that was on the floorboard.

修理或更换内部件,如座椅框架组件,地毯和木地板的绝缘体。Repair or replace interior components, such as seat frame assembly, carpets and floorboard insulation.

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到家以后,他把金币放在一只袜子里,又藏到地板下面。When he got home, the sweeper put the coins into a sock and hid it under the floorboard for safekeeping.

他们脚下的地板在颤动,埃尼斯能够感受到杰克哆嗦得有多么厉害。From the vibration of the floorboard on which they both stood Ennis could feel how hard Jack was shaking.

软件对能使计算机硬件系统顺利和有效工作的程序集合的总称。Can make computer hardware systems to work effectively and successfully set the floorboard of the program.

塞缪尔开始用手在墙壁上朝前一点点移动,两只脚亦步亦趋滑行着,像背负一身重担。Samuel walks his hands forward on the wall and then slides each foot, weighted like lead, along the floorboard.

简要介绍了复合地板主要种类、特点及其选择方法。This paper briefly introduced the primary varieties, peculiarity and the way of selection for composite floorboard.

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这件垃圾桶艺术品打败了其它三件非传统的艺术作品而获得大奖,其它的参赛作品包括一个塞满废纸的房间和一段地板的视频。It beat three other similarly unconventional exhibits to the prize –including a room of screwed up paper and a video of a floorboard.

目的了解木地板、木制品害虫情况,探索木地板裸蛛甲防制方法。Objective To investigate infestation condition of globose spider beetle in floorboard and explore effective measures for controlling insect pest.

工厂现有数条高精度进口地板生产线,并选用大兴安岭和俄罗斯优质木材,生产各类三层实木复合地板和强化复合地板达上百余种。The factory has numbers of very precision product line and produce hundreds of all kinds of three layers wooden compound and strengthen floorboard.