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记录下来。Note it down.

敲出铿锵的音符。Strike a note.

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一磅等于十六盎司。A five-pound note.

参见底下的注释。See the note below.

编者的话你啊?Editor's Note ah you?

这是非常慷慨的陈词。A generous note there.

我现在仍保留着那张纸币。I have that note still.

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请注意简单句法。Note the simple syntax.

请注意铰链销行。Note the hinge pin line.

比尔潦潦草草地给我写了个便条。Bill scribbled me a note.

还有一小点需要提出的是。But, a few things to note.

一个音符是高音谱号。One NOTE is a treble clef.

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这是编者的话?This is the Editor's Note?

我撕了一张便签纸——飞机?I scratched a note — plane?

称作全音符It's called the whole note.

注注释被移到附录A。NOTE Note moved to Annex A.

他用胶布把一张便条贴在门上。He taped a note to the door.

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注意那个大的排气孔。Note the large exhaust vent.

避免使用从商店随便买来的记事卡。Avoid store-bought note cards.

我会借那本笔记簿给你。Can you lend me the note book.