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我不知道雾霾什么时候会散去。I have no idea when the haze will disperse.

分散蓝14皂洗变色现象。Disperse Blue 14 was observed in this paper.

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分散剂有利于透明改性。Disperse additive is advantageous to transparence.

陆军可能仍然习惯于分散抗议者。The army could still be used to disperse protesters.

我要使他们分居在雅各家里,散住在以色列地中。I will scatter them in Jacob and disperse them in Israel.

警察对空射击,并释放催泪瓦斯以驱散人群。Police fired shots in the air and teargas to disperse the crowd.

后者可用五荃散或五皮饮。The latter available five disperse or five skins fragrant drinks.

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警察朝天开枪,企图驱散人群。The police fired into the air in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

在自制新型助剂HM的作用下,分散染料可上染羊毛。With the self-made agent HM the wool can be dyed by disperse dyes.

采用哈希函数分配数据流保证了每个业务流的报文保序问题。Hash-based traffic disperse was adopted to ensure per-flow ordering.

警察施放催泪弹企图驱散人群。The police fire tear-gas shells in an attempt to disperse the crowd.

“立刻散开!”警察通过扩音器喊着。"Disperse immediately! " police officers shouted through megaphones.

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但是请相信我,单凭高压水柱的压力足以能够驱散一个愤怒的人群。But believe me, the water pressure alone will disperse an angry crowd.

本设备是以高速搅拌达到分散物料的目的。This equipment is used to disperse materials by stiring in high speed.

他们得到命令去疏散一群闲逛的人,于是他们开车去了那条街,看到路口站着一群人。A call came in telling them to disperse some people who were loitering.

紫罗兰种子的油状种阜能够吸引蚂蚁帮助传播种子。The oily caruncles of violet attract ants, which help to disperse them.

治安警察向空中鸣后,人群才疏散开。Only when security guards fired shots in the air did the crowd disperse.

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穿过空气和乱流时会分散光柱的能量。Travelling through air and turbulence can disperse the energy of the beam.

在做法事的道场上,人们吃喝一顿然后一哄而散。After the ritualist approach of eating and drinking, people disperse quickly.

他们制造这些土火箭,是为了驱云防雹。They made these indigenous rockets to disperse clouds and prevent hail storms.